Friday, March 23, 2007

I Was a Runnin' Jenny....

Today I shall be called... RUNNING MAN!! Had my best run EVER this morning - 3.15 miles in 30 minutes. Yes, this is past my running goal of a 5k run (3.1 miles) with a 10 minute mile. I'm very happy today. Only problem with running that fast is it takes me a little longer to cool down in the mornings. It was about 6.25 mph which means I can almost outrun a Segway! Do those things have a 30 minute charge on them?

Last night was the bowling finale. And yes, we lost 4-3 as usual but it was a painful loss. Took the first set by 13 pins, lost the second set by 2 pins, lost the third set by 5 pins. Kind of like losing in basketball by 1 point.

Which takes us to the next subject - some interesting basketball last night. I would like to brag that I went 4/4 last night and have 3 more potential elite 8s to go tonight. Go Florida, UNC, and Georgetown. I think USC has the best chance of beating UNC tonight - but what do I know.... oh right, I kick ass at this March Madness stuff!! haha!

Tubby is coming to Minnesota. He'll bring people to watch which is what Minnesota basketball needs. I don't really care due to my anti-big 10 attitude, but I'm curious who's going to turn the Kentucky Basketball program around. Anyone thinking of naming their kid "Tubby" anytime soon?

I'm singing a solo at church on Sunday if anyone wants to come listen. 9:45 service only which gives you a chance to sleep in (or work out since the RAC is open at 7am... I'll pick you up) and still make it to church on time. Evangel Methodist here in town. It's also New Member Sunday so I'll be officially joining the church (was supposed to be last month but was cancelled due to the 60 inches of snow we received).

And it's been a fun week having a roommate yet again, but we say goodbye (yet again) to Roommate-Adam. Back to North Carolina he goes to play golf and rub in the fact that he can play pretty much year round. 'Stard!!!!

Haiku of the Day -
The weekend is here
Get drunk and have lots of beer
Watch bball and cheer!

Entertainment of the Day - So there were two movie references today - Forrest Gump(which was ok, but I had more fun laughing with Chad in the theatre at the stupid girls in front of us.... we did talk too much during movies in High School. I guess I still do!!) and The Running Man which starred both Governor Arnold and Governor Ventura. I might have to look for that this weekend "On Demand".

Weblink of the Day - Thanks to Kahn for the good find (and no thanks to El Pat - spanish for "The Pat" who still won't bring the album over), here's some clips of the infamous "Wizard of Floyd" or is it "Pink Side of Oz"? or "Dark Pink Side of the Lollipop Guild"?

1 comment:

Kahnman said...

It's Dark Side of the Rainbow.