Thursday, March 22, 2007

Things That Have to Go

Today's message is about "out with the old" or getting rid of what doesn't need to be there....

American Idol - Stephanie, who had strong potential early on in the "Hollywood Round" is sent home. Her performance was mediocre, and she's being outshined ever week. She was cute, but she "had to go". And if you want to see the NBC interview with that 13 year old crying girl, it's on MSNBC (scroll halfway down).

Basketball kicks in again today, 4 teams will "have to go" home today, 4 teams tomorrow. By Sunday evening we will be down to the Final 4 teams and then the distractions and new commercials start up. Don't think you'll be seeing any 120 point scores or 42 point wins this weekend.

I shaved this morning... the beard "had to go" as it's becoming spring and I don't need the extra facial hair to keep warm. I did try to do the mustache only when I was shaving this morning but I'm in agreement with Kahn - it just doesn't look right for some reason. I looked like some scary stalker guy with it... NO COMMENTS ALLOWED ON THAT!

I dropped some more weight (the Bachelor Party didn't kill me too bad like originally thought) - so I got my "50 pounds lost" magnet from Weight Watchers this morning. Still a long ways to go, but we're getting there! The weight has "got to go".

Other random things that have "got to go":
  • Journey - the band
  • Diehard Journey fans
  • Women's feminine products commercials
  • Erectyle Disfunction commercials during NASCAR
  • SPAM mail
  • Dick Vitale
  • Bowling Season (last night tonight - next season starts in a month I think)
  • My over annoying work load lately that seemingly has no end....
Have a great Thursday!

Haiku of the Day
Don't like my Haiku?
Don't like my rantings and song?
Go somewhere else then....

Entertainment of the Day - Downloaded Super Mario Cart (N64) and Tecmo Bowl last night for Wheeler and I to play. He beat me at Tecmo (he snagged Da Bears before I could) and I still need a 2nd controller to play 2 person Mario Cart. Brought back some good college memories though! Staying up till 4am playing Mario Cart. Drinking Pepsi... then studying like a good boy. I promise that's exactly how it happened Mom!

Weblink of the Day - Top 10 upsets in the Sweet 16 rounds... notice how half of them are "Team X" over #1 seed Duke. I like to see those (as do 99% of basketball fans). The top upset will please the Arizona readers!

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