Friday, March 30, 2007

April Fools Day Weekend


My dear mother turns 40-something tomorrow! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!

Joey turns the big ONE on Sunday.... ah, to be one year old again... I remember those years well!

And the Teletubbies celebrate 10 years on TV this weekend... has it really been 10 years already? Time flies when you're having fun I guess. We had a couple of drinking games in college while we watched Teletubbies. Yeah, the things you do in the middle of Iowa to entertain yourself.

Bowling season is officially over after our awards banquet last night. No award for me in carrying the league's lowest average. I think it's a crock that I didn't win anything, but I don't write the rules. Now we can turn our attention to golf which has its league starting in less than a month.

Big weekend for NCAA basketball which also finishes its season. The soon-to-be-overpaid players are playing Saturday to go down to the final 2 teams - who then play Monday night. They better hurry before any of them can be declared academically ineligible which seems to happen more than it should for people getting a free ride to college.

Anyway - that's all I gots today... HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND!!!

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