Wednesday, May 02, 2007

My Dad Owns a Dealership....

It was Bon Jovi night on American Idol.... only thing better would have been "Rush Night" on American Idol!!! (sarcasm) Sorry, never been a big Bon Jovi fan and after the show tonight, I'M STILL NOT (Sorry Jessi). And for the enjoyment of the privileged few who can keep up with my ramblings, I'll mix as many ATHF quotes in as possible today for no apparent reason (you're already one behind).

The band was pretty good (as always... can they get an award for that or something?) Plus it's always nice to see Tongue Stud Gina in the audience! It's about time that they pulled out a successful theme night this season with a reasonable critique. I'm still not a fan of Bon Jovi (that's BJ for short) - I'd rather be in the garage hanging sheet rock or something.... I'm a MAN'S MAN!!! In performing order:

Phil was actually pretty good. The "Steve Perry" reference from Randy won't help his cause at all. JOURNEY SUCKS!!! My dad does own a dealership though dude... he's TOTALLY loaded!

Jordin - That wasn't very good at all but I think she'll be back (and possibly win the thing). I am jealous of the guy who gets to do the vocals "woah oh woah" or whatever... that was cool.

LaKisha - I'm impressed. Hope she has enough fans to keep her around this week though. If she goes home, she'll still sell a record... or two.

Blake - That was really cool and yes, he gets my vote tonight! Donkey Puncherello votes for him too! Blake has to be one of the more original guys in recent AI history and for that alone, he should stick around a couple of weeks yet.

Chris - Nothing original, nothing horrible... but it was good enough to go home this week.

Melinda - probably still her competition to lose. While not her comfort zone, she still showed why she'll be around for a while and why she's been the favorite from the get go.

Two to go home???? I pick Phil and Chris but wouldn't put it past seeing LaKisha going home - just doesn't have the appeal of the others. PARTY DUDE!!!

And my opinion of American Idol dropped significantly after they showed Dumya's message. What a moron. And speaking of that idiot - just want to remind everyone and congratulate everyone on the four year anniversary of "Mission Accomplished". In the words of Bush himself: "Major combat operations in Iraq have ended." Interesting interesting.....

Red Wings play the late game again tonight to try to even up the series at 2-2. GO WINGS!!!

Photo of the Day -

Entertainment of the Day - I watched The Pursuit of Happyness recently and I really enjoyed the movie. It's sad, but makes you feel good about yourself and inspired to take on the world. I thought The Fresh Prince was really good, as was his real life son. The days of "Parents just don't understand" are long behind us but still a strong memory. Strongly recommended movie!

Weblink of the Day - A Pac-Man-esque game but with mowing... in honor of the millions (AND MILLIONS!!!!) of my readers who are going back to mowing on a weekly basis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the ATHF references. Well done, although I wonder how many people know what that is...