Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Today I honor Brian and his buddy Dale Jr. who announced his intention of coming to the dark side with Hendrick Motor Sports next season of NASCAR. This means you'll see the Budweiser guy driving a Tony The Tiger car from here on out! Plus think of all the Budweiser ads in bars that will have to change from the number 8. And Menards will have to change their slogan from "Gr8" to "PrtyOf5" or something different. Interesting interesting.... See how the fans react since the Jr. fans are usually the biggest group of Gordon haters.

Sorry to get anyone's hopes up with my mention of a date on Friday. Yes, she is drop dead gorgeous... but she's also married:( Too bad her husband is actually has a smart moment every couple of years (like last Friday night) otherwise I might stand a chance! haha! Thanks Jill for agreeing to be my date Friday night for the wedding so I don't have to be yet the only person going solo at yet another wedding. I'm destined to always be single;) You should all know that by now!

My complaint of today? Stupid post office raises rates on me, I even put TWO stamps on my dad's bday card since it was a larger square size (still under 1 oz) and they CAN'T GET IT THERE ON TIME!!! I put it in the mail last Friday giving it 4 mail days to make it 3 hours. Sorry Dad, I promise I put it in there last Friday. Check the postage stamp when you get it. Wish I had other options for mailing a letter....

Sorry for the delay today - had a dentist appointment this morning. Their satelite that usually plays older "light music" was out so they had to play something that was much more my style. Makes the time go faster if you have good music to listen to. I don't mind going to the dentist one bit, other than having to listen to Bette Midler or Celine Dion while a lady's hands are in my mouth.

Nothing else today.... have a good Wednesday! Tomorrow's weigh in day - hopefully back on track for "good news".

Haiku of the Day
Scraping and cleaning
my teeth, followed by rinse, spit
and a free toothbrush

Entertainment of the Day - Not proud, but I watched Barnyard this weekend. It was..... ok. Do the kids like it? It kind of got lost with the other 10,000,000 cartoon movies that come out per year now that computers do the hard work on them.

Weblink of the Day - From Pat.... who by the way grew up on a beet farm JUST like Dwight from The Office..... just throwing it out there as a "coincidence". Many more similarities than just that but I'm too nice today to continue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would have let you keep the hot date thing going for a while!--Jill