Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Next Stop - Mexico

Damn Snow... hoping it doesn't delay me going to Mexico. This will be my last transmission on this side of the fun in the sun! MEXICO - HERE I COME!!!!

American Idol - Latin night which was interesting, but appropriate for my trip to Mexico.... I thought the genre was well done by the folks but the music is only appealing to probably not quite half of the American Idol audience. Ryan's suit was horrible... reminded me of something a 9th grader wears to Homecoming or something. Plus, I HATE GLORIA ESTEFAN, almost as much as I hate Sting. You get docked a position for singing Gloria (sorry Haley).

1 - Melinda - I actually thought it was well done and disagree with Simon.
2 - Blake - that was good (probably one of the better musical performances) but I want to point out that most of his songs lately are starting to sound way too similar. And what's with the dorky hats?
3 - Lakisha - I hated that song when Gloria did it.... I hated most of the songs she did. It was ok.
4 - Chris - hated that song the first time too.. Band again stole the show on that one (a common theme lately)
5 -Jordin - you're killing me... why not sing a J-Lo song instead of this crap?
6 - Haley - she looked hot, sounded pretty good, even with all of that.... it's Gloria.
7 - Phil - that was piss poor for final 8. The "Simon Cow" thing was kind of funny.
8 - Sanjaya - ok, here come my most comments for this week's show..... It was actually well done, but he gets last place for a couple of reasons. First off, it was a song done by Andre Bucelli (who I hate most of all tonight), plus that shitty facial hair.... seriously, that was pathetic. He'll be around next week though (doubt he'll even be bottom 3). The boy knows how to play the game and he'll be around for a bit yet.

One other note, I think J-Lo had over 300 bracelets on her wrists. She's a weirdo!

Off to Mexico! Have a good week!

1 comment:

Chad said...

Hey Adam, good luck with your trip to Mexico. Sanjaya sang an Andrea Bocelli song? I actually haven't seen a single episode of American Idol this time around. I can never figure out the criteria for how folks evaluate the singers anyway.