I saw an article this morning that was interesting:
Isaac Daniel hopes the next time someone wears his sneakers, the footwear may prove to be life saving. The 38-year-old engineer has developed a line of running shoes with a tiny Global Positioning System (GPS) chip that can locate the wearer anywhere in the world with the press of a button. Daniel believes can help save children in trouble or even Alzheimer patients, will hit stores in May or June with more than 30,000 orders already pouring in from retailers worldwide. The solution was a line of men's and women's sneakers in 19 color combinations outfitted with a GPS chip that communicates with four international satellites. Next on his agenda is a "cell phone shoe" and a "game shoe.”So here's my thought.... some people will see the benefit of this in just what it was intended - helping find people that may go missing. But at what point is this the next step of invasion of privacy? I can see some kids taking knives to their shoes in order to remove the devices like some bad Arnold sci-fi movie. But aren't there more uses than those that Daniel lists? These shoes could be used to spy on cheating spouses, help with stalkers who are obsessed with some girl, or even by Paparazzi to figure out which club Paris and Britney are invading on any given night. I do wonder what will be the benefit of a "cell phone shoe" or "game shoe"... interesting concepts and I look forward to seeing how they can market that.
The question that everyone's wondering.... should I watch the NCAA Women's Basketball Championship Game (We got game) or American Idol???? or maybe not. Final 9 on Idol tonight. I have a hunch who's going home and it's not who everyone thinks should be going home. Just remember what I said, if you don't vote, you can't complain at the outcome!!!
Snow today in a lot of Minnesota! We should see rain/sleet here in Rochester, but still not fun to think that it was just 70+ degrees and now we're back in this crap. By the time I get back from MEXICO next week, should be clear of the snow stuff.
Haiku of the Day -
No longer the champ
of b-ball tourney picking
even Drew beat me:(
Entertainment of the Day - I watched Babel this weekend. Not even close to what I was thinking it would be, but I did enjoy it a lot. An unusual story that tries to bring all the plotlines together at the end to show how around the world we are connected.... only problem was that I failed to see the strong link between the gun gift. Wish they would have had a better story there, but it worked. I thought it was well done and worthy of the nominations it received. The title Babel refers to the land in Genesis which comes from the Hebrew for "to confuse or confound". Think of the different languages spoken in the movie and how they all have a connection even though they come from a different culture.
Weblink of the Day - New Bunny cartoon... SPIDERMAN!!! (both 1 and 2)
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