Monday, April 23, 2007

What Would You Like To Hear??

It's National Playground Safety Week! Are you prepared? On a more serious note, it is indeed National Karaoke Week which should be celebrated by everyone! When and where we going? Remember - I don't make this stuff up!

Another season of the Apprentice is finished with Stefani being hired. I haven't watched the entire episode from last night yet, but of the remaining four candidates, she probably was the strongest. She would not have been my choice having watched the entire season, but I'm sure she'll make some surprise appearances on next seasons's show. How many more seasons will they do? Who knows.... I know it's not as popular as in seasons past, but i still enjoy it.

A good weekend in the sports world (in my opinion) - Detroit took two games from Calgary to make it into the 2nd round of the NHL playoffs. Saturday's game got ugly with a lot of cheap shots and now $125k worth of fines. But they are moving on! Gordon took the win Saturday night in the Subway-Have-To-Listen-To-Jarred-All-Night 300! Was a decently clean race (for once) with the Car of Tomorrow... only wish the #17 car would have crashed. That's always my wish. And Atlanta Braves took 2 of 3 at the Mets to hold onto the top spot in the NL East. Red Sox swept the Yankees (always root against the Yankees) and Barry Bonds hit another homerun. Why's that good news you ask? Because I think the faster he breaks the record, the less we have to hear about it in every sports report.

My concert season is officially over with my performance yesterday in Austin, MN. It was nice to finally play the Rachmaninov Variation on a theme by Paganini which is a wonderfully written piece for Piano and Orchestra. Not much for a bass part, but still fun to play. And another performance of Hanson Symphony #2 (Romantic) is done. Another great sounding piece with a boring bass part - a theme this weekend in Austin. So I'm done with concerts till October and now I enter the wedding season. I'll be playing at Amber's wedding for those planning on attending - just not sure what I'll be playing. Any requests? And no, Freebird is not an option.

Big concert in Ankeny, IA tonight!!! SE and East Elementary Bands show off their abilities and I'll be heading down to hear them! Anyone want to ride along?

Haiku of the Day
Rain is better than
The snow from two weeks ago
Spring is finally here

Entertainment of the Day - I watched a "plethora" of movies this weekend to share this week. First being School for Scoundrels with Billy Bob Thornton and Napoleon Dynamite... it was an interesting movie and pretty funny in spots. Worth a viewing if you're bored.

Weblink of the Day Nice easy Monday morning game to play.... use the arrow keys to move, spacebar to "pull". Good luck

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot about the Aministrative Professionals Week this week or are you boycotting since IBM has basically gotten rid of most of them?