Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Dear Santa,

Hiya BigMan! Thanks for the great response to my list last year. I realize that my list is late this year, but with the beauty of the Internet (I hear it's a series of tubes), I can get this letter to you in the matter of nano-seconds. What operating system you running now a days up at the North Pole? If you're using Windows Vista, then I'm afraid you might not get my email till after Christmas as you continue to get the damn thing working.

Here is my list for you, hope it's again not too much to ask for - I'm a humble person but like everyone, I like presents!
  • A work free Christmas vacation.... I know, even you can't deliver that
  • A Vikings playoff run with an included win AT LAMBEAU (think Jan 9, 2005)
  • More jail time for the princesses of Hollywood.... good thing they don't have to try to get a REAL job where official jail record is a required question.
  • My own personal yacht.... I don't want a huge house or fancy cars in life - but a yacht would be pretty friggin' sweet!
  • A helper monkey. Someone to clean the house while I'm gone during the day, plus I can train him to cook and play catch!
  • A manatee sighting while we're in Florida over Christmas!
  • A new president (preferably one that rhymes with Brogama.... not a lot rhymes with "Obama") - I know you can't deliver on this till January, 2009 but please make our time until that date go faster and with fewer (a LOT fewer) wars!
  • Alternative energy source.... there's this thing called "solar" that could be the answer if the world would only focus on it for a while. Think of what we could figure out by focusing the smart people on that rather than nuclear testing.
  • No more problems with my teeth! Root canals are NOT fun despite the contrary opinions.
  • Less commercials on the radio... may have to look into XM Radio at this rate as the political campaign commercials only increase till November:(
And most importantly
  • A full year of happiness with my new hot girlfriend Sarah!!
Good luck traveling, we have lots of snow already - Please do NOT bring any sleds to my bowling team as only bad things happen with those things.

Haiku of the Day
Emergency Room
Last two times I've been sledding
Once for me, Once not

Entertainment of the Day - Snoop Dogg is always a good way to brighten a bad day, but back to movies.... I watched the new Die Hard this past weekend. I am surprised at how the continued episodes in the life of John McClane still entertain with lots of action and newer appropriate technological plots to ruin the world. The only part I didn't fully enjoy was the airplane part, a little unrealistic in that part. It also has the kid from the Apple/Mac commercials.

Weblink of the Day
- My favorite holiday song and my favorite version of all time. With cattle prod goodness!!

1 comment:

Queen Maureen said...

Anything but the Viking wish, please!