Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Halfway Through August!

Happy Birthday Rachael!

Spring feels like it's here as we're getting yet another thunderstorm this morning with more rain! So all the rain we've been missing for the past month is rolling in right now. Plus it will be highs in the 60s this weekend! I think I'm going to cry I'm so happy! Did we ever figure out why there isn't a Groundhog for Summer to predict when the first day of Fall will arrive? August 2nd (6 months from the real day)! If the Groundhog emerges from his air-conditioned hole and faints due to the heat and humidity, there will be 6 more weeks of summer, otherwise if he comes out of his hole and lights up a grill, it could be an early fall.

Speaking of outside - my new birdfood has corn in the mix which is a very bad idea to put above your grass..... so now I have little stalks of corn growing in my yard. I'll move it over the cemented area next year I guess.... bad idea this year!

Since nobody thought it was a good idea to televise a baseball game during primetime last night while I was at home (the Twins are on the west coast, they came on around 9) - I was forced to look for something else to have on in the back ground while I was doing things around the house. Up came the FINALE of America's Got Talent-Idol RipOff...... or something to that effect. This is the show that is NBC's lame answer to Fox's Idol and has Jerry Springer hosting, and David Hasselhoff (no crying on this show), some British Guy (sound familiar yet?), and Sharon Osbourne who like her husband, is hard to understand. I barely watched it, but the performance that continued to make me wonder "what the hell was that" was the high school girl Julienne Irwin who sings as her talent (are you sure you're on the correct show?). She was dead awful folks. Her pitch is horrific and I can't figure out why she's a "finalist". The Musician guy on guitar was ok - didn't see much of the other two. But seriously.... SHE SUCKS!!!

But maybe she's more suited to be on the show that followed - this Singing Bee show which was amusing for the first 5 minutes, then just painful after that. It's Karaoke style entertainment to see if people remember the words to songs. Usually they don't, but more importantly - their singing makes you cringe!!!

New movies coming out soon:
  • New Mr. BEAN!!!!! Since the last one did so well (sarcasm). But honestly, just borrow my Mr. Bean DVDs of his original show - much much funnier.
  • New Halloween....well actually it's the original one "re-imaged" but from Rob Zombie. Should be interesting since he is usually over the top gory. Classic film though so hopefully worth watching (on DVD of course)
  • The King of Kong - two old guys go for the Guinness World Record on Donkey Kong!!! What a great premise for a movie!
By the way, I finally played some Super Mario 2 last night after probably a 15 year break. Graphics are still pretty poor (Mario 3 was the large improvement) but now we've integrated playing 4 different characters and if you use Princess, a slight ability to fly! Plus the music is probably a little more annoying than Mario 1.

Haiku of the Day -

Lucky for my blog....
"America's Got Talent"
..... se-ven syl-lab-les!!!!!!

Entertainment of the Day - Still never got to the final movie from a while back. I rented The Return (with Sarah Michelle Gellar who is now being type cast in these weird Japanese horror flick remakes..... and all of the remakes suck). Plot was dumb - had to go to a web discussion to figure out what had happened in the movie. Acting wasn't much better. She should have stuck with Buffy on the WB..... people didn't watch that much either but at least they knew it was there!

Weblink of the Day - For those, who like me, were having Homestar withdrawal during their recent hiatus.... They've been busy catching up with a new cartoon and a new Strongbad email....


Anonymous said...

you have corn stalks not stocks

Anonymous said...

way to go Brian! That one bothered me as well! anywho, when they first advertised the Singing Bee show I instantly thought of you Adam and completely support you auditioning- I do not believe there is a over played wedding dance song that you do not know! Or any other annoying karaoke song for that matter!!