Thursday, August 02, 2007

Another Bad Day in Minnesota

So of course the big news of the day is the I35 Bridge falling down. Pretty scary to think what could have happened. I'm still praying for those that were hurt and the families of the few that were lost - but I'm thankful that it wasn't worse. I think I've been on that bridge maybe 2 times... usually once I make it to the city, i have no reason to keep going north on 35. It'll be interesting to see how the metropolis deals with the break in major artery into the city.

But what I did want to comment on (since a lot of facts are still unknown at this point) - is the difference in news coverage last night. We had the luxury of having local news station on the spot since half my channels come from Minneapolis. Plus you feel the personal element when the people reporting are residents of that area. Unlike the national folks flown in just to get the story. But as I flipped through the news stations last night - you had Anderson Cooper (who I don't usually mind, just a little over dramatic at times.... like the Tom Cruise of news) who was interviewing people and showing footage from cell phone cameras (I swear one guy had 20 minutes of footage from his cell phone... should have said the brand and company's name and turned that into a sponsorship!!). Luckily most of the folks interviewed I felt represented Minneapolis and Minnesota well. Halfway intelligent folks giving honest testimony.

Then I switched the channel to Fox News and all the "intelligent folks" disappeared. Seriously - I hate that channel anyway, but was curious what they were covering. It was just a totally different tactic on "reporting". They felt the need to scare the sh!t out of everyone stating how this could happen to anyone and basically encouraged the Terrorist Threat Level to go to a higher level. One news lady has family in the city and tried to relate to everyone telling us that her family goes over that bridge all the time. Sorry, I just hate Fox News and the fear effect that they constantly try to convey. I don't even consider that channel "real news" anymore.

Other non-Bridge news..... golf league tonight and for the first time all summer, I'm excited to play tonight. Been playing a lot better lately and hitting the ball much much better, so we'll see if it actually shows in my final score. Plus there's only a few weeks of league left so enjoy it while it lasts. Just wish it wasn't going to be so stinkin' hot!!

We are 4 weeks exactly from KICK OFF!!!!!

Haiku of the Day
News should be just facts,
Not so much speculation!
Don't care what you "think".

Entertainment of the Day - I was back in a classical mode this week. Been listening to The Magic Flute by Mozart (in German). Probably one of the easier "first" operas for anyone that is curious about opera or for anyone wanting to go with a very hesitant spouse. It's funny and very light compared to other operas. Just one man's opinion.

Weblink of the Day - 59 of the coolest toilet signs... pretty funny and cool! The Ken and Barbie are my favorite!

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