Monday, August 06, 2007

30 Minutes....

What can you do in 30 minutes?

Watch your favorite Simpsons Episode? Well that's actually only 22 minutes or so, you're catching 8 minutes minimum of commercials. Or you can watch any of your favorite 1/2 hour sitcoms including the wasted time designed to brain wash you into buying some useless products.

Watch a half of football assuming the clock never stops. Since that never happens....

Probably takes you that long to get through security at the Vegas airport. Does for me every time I fly back from LV.

The flight from gate to gate for the Rochester-Minneapolis flight is around 30 minutes if I remember correctly. Yeah, they don't even bother serving beverages or tell you to get up and walk around the cabin it's such a short flight. By the time you are in the air, it's already time to come back down.

Well on Saturday, 30 minutes was the amount of time it took me (almost exactly) to run my very first 5k run here in Rochester. Yeah, in the pouring rain Saturday morning, I ran one and a half laps around Silver lake starting on 7th street. There were probably 150 runners and maybe 50 walkers..... I ran the first 2+ mile lap with no problems - followed a high school group of about 8 runners that seemed to have a steady pace. We all started together so I wasn't able to feel like I hit my "stride" for the first 1/4 mile or so. It's nothing compared to the mess of runners at the NYC Marathon where it takes you 3-4 minutes just to hit the starting line!

There was one hill on the last mile that I had to walk briskly up the 2nd time... I'm not proud of it, but knowing that I finished at my 30 minute goal just means my pace was a little faster than I was planning on. So my major goal for this summer is off of my list. For next summer, I'd like to do a 10k run. I might throw another 5k in this year, but I want to wait till the weather cools off (and I drop some more weight).

I also broke even over all as I won a door prize in a $10 gift card to ColdStone. So $10 to run the race, came home with $10 GC. But it's like golf - why should you have to pay to do something so painful? I would think they should pay me to run!

Haiku of the Day
Running three point one
miles in the pouring rain
Should have just slept in!!

Entertainment of the Day - I was able to catch up on a lot of movies this weekend. First up for today is Premonition with Sandra Bullock. It was an unusual plot but one that I kind of enjoyed. I didn't especially care for how it ended but oh well - not my call. Worth a viewing someday if you haven't already. Listed as a "thriller" for those of you who don't particularly like scary movies.

Weblink of the Day
- Speaking of ping pong..... if you need an extra player, try this!


Anonymous said...

Congrats! That's a good accomplishment. Running isn't fun at the time, but boy does it feel good after you're done!

Anonymous said...

how do you run a kilogram?

Jamie Reed

MplsMom said...

Congrats on your 5k! Sorry we couldn't come down and run it with you!