Monday, October 10, 2005

Theology 101

So I did a lot of soul searching and praying this weekend. I spent a lot of time with my Bible and trying to find out the answers to my questions. But I did come to one conclusion this weekend though - The Lord God, my Creator and in whom I put 100% of my trust and faith..... does not like Iowa State Football.

There is no humanly way that we should have lost to Baylor. It has to be the result of divine intervention. When people ask why God doesn't show himself or perform miracles as often as he did in the Bible days, they aren't looking at life's "other miracles". Baylor winning their first road game in the Big 12 EVER will forever rank up there with Moses parting the Red Sea, and the Angel saving the hand of Abraham from sacrificing Isaac. I think the Old Testament miracles were easier for Him to pull off than the Baylor Victory.

So there were maybe 8 Baylor fans and they brought with them 6 cheerleaders. Can you blame them? Who in their right mind would travel to Ames (where we have been pretty decent lately with a CRUSHING 23-3 win over the Squawkeyes) to take on the Cyclones who had a legitimate chance of making a run at taking the Big 12 North spot into the Big 12 Title Game? Those fans had a day they won't forget as ISU fumbled at the 1 yard line and at the 12 yard line at two different times to lose probably 14 points. You think I'd be used to losing by now.

The team seriously looked like the team of 1995-1997 where we won 3 games in 3 years. They would run on first down (not a huge issue but we'd gain 0 yards). Then on second down, they'd run the EXACT SAME PLAY!! Well it didn't work on first so on second down we lost 3 yards. When are people going to wake up and realize that McCarney is a horrible coach and needs to be put to sleep already!

I know that praying for a victory is not right as I'm sure there are folks on both sides of every game that pray for a victory. But I DO pray for our team to go out and play as hard as they can and up to their best levels. We failed to do that Saturday. We would have lost to Ames High School on Saturday.

So as I scanned through my Bible last night trying to find references to "Cyclones" or God's scripture on anything that might be related to Iowa State (no references to Iowa in the Bible from what I can tell) - I did stumble across the story of Job. Job is known as the most patient man who loses everything and finally questions God as to why. Granted I haven't lost everything and I have so much in my life that I am so thankful for, but I use Job as my inspiration to tell myself that if I just have patience, God will take pity on my Cyclones and deliver the big win to them eventually. Just hope it's in my lifetime.

Song of the Day - Another U2 one.... it's all I listened to on the way back from Ames in my depressed state of mind;) Running to Stand Still is the best song off of "Joshua Tree" who many call their greatest album. I disagree but won't go into that discussion now. But what disappoints me is all the folks that think "Joshua Tree" is the best U2 album, fail to see the amazement in the song that only has piano, a rhythm guitar, and some incredible lyrics. Go give it a listen today.

Video of the Day - I watched Dario Argento's The Card Player yesterday which is a foreign independent film. It was different (as are all of Argento's films) and pretty graphic in spots. But I wouldn't classify it as a "Horror" as some of his other works. The acting is horrible but you come to accept that in his films. I give it a 4 out of 10 stars.

Webpage of the Day - - New thing I want for my car:) I know it'll piss off Stoen if I do so I think I'm going to get one!!!

Have a good day and a great week!

1 comment:

Kahnman said...

The difference between this season and the Cyclone teams of the mid-90's is that this team was supposed to be good. Back then, we didn't get our hopes up for great things only to have them smashed into a million pieces. Man that hurts.

And I have one comment on your tailspinner link...WHY?