sorry dude
Brian's response:
Yes, he included the *** as to avoid problems with any filters. I haven't heard from him tonight but I figure he found a bottle somewhere to drown his sorrows in. I've been there buddy - I remember when I heard that Britney was married, then pregnant.... now just waiting for her to announce her divorce and then come crawling back to me!
So today is my last day in Burlington. I fly out tomorrow AM on the 6am flight out of here so I will avoid the storms all together and get home to a normal Fall. The other day I had a chance to see the Fab plant here in Burlington that is owned by IBM but used by many companies. They make semi-conductors here and it is one of the largest in the world). It was pretty amazing to see how they make the wafers that all the processor chips that you have in your cell phones, in your computers, and everything else you use every day. It's quite an extensive process and rather than have me bore you here with the nerdy details, you can visit this site to get a high level process (if that's possible). I got to wear a bunny suit which is required to keep the entire process so incredibly clean. Here's me (I'm the taller one... duh):

It's pretty cool to actually see all of this process when I spent a lot of time in college learning about it. Most engineers never get to see that.
Enough of the nerdy stuff. The Braves lost last night (dang), Angels won (yeah) and White Sox won (whatever). More importantly, the Red Wings are now 1-0 after a great start to the season. #14 Brandon Shanahan had 19 penalty minutes! YEAH!!! What a stud - 19 is a lot and takes some effort but he got a couple of 2 minute minors that lead up to a 5 for fighting (not the band) and 10 minute major. It happens when your team is up 5 to 1!
Song of the Day - Thanks to Kahn I have Possum Kingdom by the Toadies running through my head. It's one of my favorite songs of all time, not sure why though. A great tune and great lyrics..... Kahn, I sing this for you
And I'll promise you
I will treat you well
My sweet angel
So help me, Jesus
Video of the Day - The Village (M. Night Shyamalan - think Sixth Sense) was on TV this morning so of course I had to watch the ending again. It doesn't have the same effect the 2nd time around;) I remember seeing previews and was so excited to see it. Went with Drew and Kristi when it came out and I think all of us came out of there disappointed. It was a good movie, just that the "secret" wasn't as big of a deal as the fact that Bruce Willis was dead. Oops... I hope everyone reading this has seen that movie. My Dad is one of those that claims he knew that the whole movie.... whatever....
Webpage of the Day - Nintendo tunes.... the Contra one is the best. Still can't figure how to get the WAV files on my laptop. Any suggestions? I hate Sprint because they don't have fun tones like this even though they are now with Nextel. I should look into that. Having the Contra or Mario theme as your ring would be pretty sweet!
oh yeah, I just hit my knee as hard as I've ever remembered hitting it before. Turned back into my desk here in the lab way too fast and hit the leg straight on. Been 3 minutes and it still hurts. There's your useless information for the day!!! You lost yet?
I could teach you how to play Possum Kingdom on the guitar too. Better start writing all of these down since the list is getting long.
I suck at guitar - need ot work on that when I get home.
BELLY ITCHER IS THE GREATEST!!! I now have Contra (level 1 only) and Super Mario Brothers themes on my laptop!! Sweet! Thanks dude!
Aint no thang but a chicken wang!
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