Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Star Wars Time

NOTE: So I already had this all typed up when I realized I was a week off - DVD comes out next week but since I don't have time to type up another Blog today, you'll just have to deal with it!! haha - enjoy!
So yeah, I'm part geek. Especially on days like today when they release the final episode of the Star Wars Septology or whatever it is when there's 6 episodes. Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith comes out on DVD today and yes, I'll go pick it up after work. Mainly because it's cheaper at Best Buy when you get it in the first couple of days of its release. Someday when Football and Baseball are over with, I'll pull a marathon of all 6 movies. Heck, I did the Godfather Trilogy Marathon, I can do the Star Wars Marathon:)

So today, in all my nerdiness, I present my opinions on:


Best Movie - The Empire Strikes Back. Which interestingly enough was one of 2 movies NOT directed by George Lucas. Return of the Jedi was the other one. One of my first childhood memories was seriously crying because the ships were so loud at the beginning of Empire.... I was 3 - give me a break!

Worst Movie - Phantom Menace. Not enough skin from Natalie Portman. I am a fan of Liam Neeson but there was some bad overall acting in that movie. Jar Jar should have been shot by the end of the episode (even though most little kids love him and that's who Lucas wrote them for). Was hoping the Directors Cut had a nude scene of Princess Amidala:) That would have been pretty sweet.

Best Actor - Alec Guinness..... Just my opinion. Harrison Ford is up there too but he's the obvious choice. Harrison gets all the quality lines though and he's the reason everyone loves the original Trilogy so much. He's not a Jedi, he's nothing special, just a normal human like you and I are but he's funny and a smart ass. My favorite part is during the Empire Strikes Back - right before he's frozen and Leia gives him a kiss and says "I love you" and his total manly response????? "I KNOW" - what a stud. He gives men everywhere hope of one day wearing the pants in the relationship!

Worst Actor - Still Natalie Portman even though she's hot as hell.

Best Character - Admiral Ackbar in a landslide!!!

Best Costume - Either Boba Fett or The Emperial Storm Troopers (yeah, the red ones - they were my favorite action figure as a kid.... and as an adult). I could easily be persuaded to say the Princess Leia costume while under the Java slave outfit:) That was hot!

Worst Character - Watto annoyed me bigtime. He's the flying dude in Episode 1 and 2 that owns Annikan and his mom. Jar Jar is a close 2nd though.

Worst Costume - Bib Fortuna (yes, I had to look that one up). He was ugly when I saw it as a kid, and he's still butt ugly.

Best Line - Anything by Ackbar including "Focus all fire on that Super Star Destroyer" and the best line ever "IT'S A TRAP!!!"

Worst Line - the famous line by Luke "But I was going to Toushe Station to pick up some power converters"

Best Soundtrack by John Williams - The things he does in Attack of the Clones was pretty amazing. He also pulls out all the stops during Revenge of the Sith where he pulls back themes from the original Trilogy. If you stay through the credits, you'll hear him pull out the old march from the award ceremony from the original Star Wars Episode 4.

Best Parts to imitate when I'm drunk - Easily the Sandperson imitation from Episode 4. I've been known to do that when I'm not drunk either. And I like to pull out a Chewy growl from time to time. My dad said I should have entered the Chewbacca contest last May they had in Iowa City. He thinks I would have won.

Best Cameo by Me in a Star Wars Movie - yes, bet you didn't know that I was in the original Star Wars Movie. CHECK IT OUT!!! Stay on Target, Stay on Target!

On that note....

Song of the Day - Go listen to Star Wars or something;) I have all the soundtracks if anyone wants to borrow them.

Video of the Day - Duh - next....

Webpage of the Day - Still one of the funniest news stories I've seen in the past couple of years. Dude gets arrested for "living" in the Star Wars line. One of my favorite examples of "stupid people"


1 comment:

Kahnman said...

I'm very excited to own Episode III as well. Empire used to be my favorite movie, but I think Revenge of the Sith has now topped it. I really like the dark ones I guess.

Did you know that Han's "I know" line was just ad-libbed? I learned that in one of the documentaries on the DVDs. I think he was supposed to say "Me too," which just seems corny. Too bad they couldn't ad-lib some of the love scenes in the prequels.

Let me know when you do that marathon, and I'll see if I can get permission to be away for a day and watch it with you.