On my drive in this morning I realized I need to vent - so here it is, today's list is:
5 Things That Really Grind My Gears

1. Rochester Construction that will NEVER end!! It has been 3 years now (probably more, conservative estimate) since they started Highway 52 construction (for all of you non-Rochesteronianites - Hwy 52 is one of two main arteries that allow us to get anywhere in town in under 5 minutes on a normal day) and all I've heard from the optimists of the world (yeah, usually I'm one of them... but not this morning) is how nice it's going to be when they are done. Well guess what? They are NEVER going to finish. They were supposed to have all 6 lanes open by October 1st and that date has come and gone and we're still swinging back and forth on the drive. It gets so bad at times that the traffic flow changes daily and the idiots talking on their cell phones not paying attention and almost hitting me. Frustrating to say the least. Which brings me to my next point......
2. Teenagers on Cell Phones while they drive. Plus in Rochester they are driving mom and dad's BMW, Lexus, or Audi or some other yuppie car (you know who you are.... if it starts with "J" and rhymes with "Jetta") and obviously don't pay their own insurance premiums with a car like that. The best is when I go work out in the mornings at 5:30am.... I always, yes ALWAYS, see some high school girl either in the car on her cell phone or at the RAC on her cell phone. Who the heck are they talking to at 5:30am? When I was in high school, the world didn't function till at least 7am. And in college, that turned into noon. Just get off the phones in general. And yes, I see high school guys on their cell phones as well, but sorry to say - there are 100 times as many girls on their phones as guys. Bout time their insurance rates caught up with the males rates after all these years.
3. Government in general. This is not a stab at the Republicans, although I could spend a week's worth of blogs on that - but both sides of the Government (or all 3 depending on what state you're from). I cannot believe how corrupt and crooked our government has become. Nobody trusts their Senators or Representatives, so why do we continue to elect them? Just because we have to and there was nobody better to vote for? And the office of President has no longer been a position of a role model, but one of ridicule for the rest of the world. It's the people that we put in there that have defiled it. Right now between the endless partisan arguments of the House and Senate, then all the corruption of the White House at so many levels... it's sickening.
4. The fact that Paris and Nicole are STILL not talking yet they are filming the 4th Season of Simple Life. How does that work? A bunch of rich b***hes acting too snooty is no longer flattering. I think they should duke it out in a mud wrestling pit (or jello) but I'm not sure how many people would actually watch that:) I'd probably be the only one! But seriously, you had a good thing going girls - and now that one of you is single and available (PH - call me!!) should be all the more reason to kiss and make up and entertain all of us males of America yet again. Does anyone else actually watch that show? I caught a couple of episodes each season mainly because of my love for Paris but it is actually quite entertaining despite how much of it is scripted anymore.
5. So much to complain about yet only one slot to go..... So take your pick: Overpaid whinny athletes, gas prices, the dating game and how sh**ty it is to play when you're 28 years old, crappy Quarterback for the Vikings that is not named Brad Johnson, the fact that I'm still not getting my callouses back on my finger tips after practicing for 3 hours last night and they hurt like hell today, my losing Powerball numbers preventing me from retiring at age 28, my neverending struggle with my horrific and pathetic love life (or lack there of), Lindsay Lohan's new look that she's STILL sporting (LL - call me!!), the new Daylight Savings that makes it impossible to get out of bed for this entire month, my Contra game that freezes up when I play it now on the original 8bit NES, or my truck that needs an oil change but I'm too lazy to take it in.
Wow - I feel better:)
Song of the Day - How about a little REM today? Everybody Hurts was a good quality song although not my favorite. I remember my brother loved that album "Automatic for the People" and that song when I was still in diapers. He was always listening to REM, U2, and Prince and I guess it just rolled off on me as I consider those to be some of my favorite groups. He was a true product of hitting his teenage years during the 80s, I was more of the early 90s. Yes, I'm a youngin!
Video of the Day - Still not too much to report as I was busy practicing and watching the amazing home run in the top of the 9th by Pujols (wow, that is really hard to spell.... "can you use it in a sentence please" - for all the SportsCenter commercial fans out there) to take it to game 6! Need to figure out a way to get a TV at rehearsal tonight so I can watch the game. That wouldn't be a distraction at all! Couple more years and the iPods will have that functionality... Kahn, you going to get one then???? hahaha
Webpage of the Day - All of a sudden I'm hungry for Pumpkin Pie now. I'll have to make some Pumpkin Bread (MY FAVORITE) and maybe some pie as well this weekend while in La Crosse. Does a 1500 pound pie cook evenly? If not, who's the lucky one that gets the not-fully cooked portion? I'll sign up!!! Yum Yum!!
Have a GREAT day!!
If it makes you feel better I heard that The Simple Life Season 4 was axed by Fox.
Damn - you're right
Oh well.... I'll find something else to complain about now
What were you practicing for 3 hours last night that was supposed to leave callouses on your fingers?
Your brother
funny - SICK-O. I'd expect nothing less though of my family.
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