Monday, January 28, 2008

Super Monday (Aren't They All?)

So after a week off (why again is there an extra week for the Super Bowl? Think the fact that it is more about the media and advertising than it is for the actual game being played?) the Super Bowl is upon us. Patriots are getting some attention due to Tom Brady's boot, but despite everything else these guys have gone through this year - I expect a big Patriots win and the first Championship Ring for Moss. Watch for a big game from him now that he's this close.

And tomorrow may be Super Bowl Tuesday, but "Super Tuesday" is only a week away in the great Presidential Race of 2008! A whomping win by Obama this weekend in South Carolina (over 2x the votes of Hilary) brings him back as the front runner (thankfully). Florida primary tomorrow (which is a big deal) and then a ton of states (Minnesota included) will make some major progress in this thing next week.

Since we're talking politics - are you ready for the FINAL State of the Union address tonight? If you're bored and are watching, why not turn it into a drinking game? Take a swig of beer every time you hear one of the following words/terms:
  • Terror
  • Iraq
  • Iran
  • Troops
  • Freedom
  • Nukular (nuclear)
  • Unemployment
  • Homeland
  • Election
  • Change
In addition, take a drink for every time a 2008 presidential candidate (current and past) is shown on camera. GOOD LUCK!!!

And finally - I went to the U2-3D movie at the IMAX theatre in Minneapolis.... quite possibly the COOLEST thing I've ever seen on a screen. Yes, we had to wear the 3D glasses (the filter version, not the blue/red versions of old) but it was quite amazing what they put together. The big IMAX screen was a huge bonus, but to see the 3D effects with Bono reaching out to the audience, to see everyone ducking when Adam swings his bass over us. It was amazing. The sound was pretty kick ass too! It's coming to Rochester (and other theatres) in February. It won't be "IMAX" but it will still be 3D on the digital screens. I'll be going again and will let everyone know when it's here!

Haiku of the Day
Hockey All-Star Game
Pretty lame since "no checking"
Skills Challenge was SWEET!!!

Entertainment of the Day - Did you know there was a "new" Mr. Bean movie out? Mr. Bean's Holiday.... out on DVD now and it was just ok. I'd still rather watch the old HBO versions from the 80s. It was still inline with his original character, but just not as funny. Oh well, cross it off my "to see" list.

Weblink of the Day
- A photo/story behind ALL of the SuperBowl Rings through the years. Some of the stories are interesting (read Walter Payton's story) with lots of versions of "lost it" but I found the rings themselves fascinating to see the evolution through the years. The Steelers Super Bowl XL is probably my favorite looking ring. Rams XXXIV is the ugliest.

1 comment:

MplsMom said...

You forgot to comment on how embarrassing you were rocking out at U23D, though all the other audience members were seemingly DEAD!! Saw the new Bean holiday and completely agree with your comments. not worth renting. Old TV show was much better. My dad would be impressed that you watch it. "What's wrong with this MotherF*&*er?" :)