Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Happy Birthday... DICK!!

Everybody stand and clap for the 67 year old Dick Cheney. Then after 10 seconds, stand and clap again! As VP, he has shown us how our country could indeed actually get worse under his total leadership - thankfully nothing has happened to Bush to allow Cheney the opportunity to run everything (although some people think he already does). Just a big part of the reason I don't trust our executive branch right now. In celebration of today's birthday, I'm going to go shoot a friend in the face - anyone want to go hunting with me today?

It's probably appropriate that such an evil man brings such evil cold to the midwest. -14 on the Trailblazer thermometer - remember that is straight up temperature, not with windchill. Yesterday was blizzard conditions with a 3+ foot drift in front of my garage last night when I got home. The roof was blowing off all night with 45+ mph winds. So yeah, it's butt cold out!

Super Tuesday (the voting one) is less than a week away. For Minnesotans who wish to participate: will tell you where your caucus voting place is (it's different than where you normally vote... also depends if you're voting for the Democratic party or the "other" party). As for the fellow Dems out there - here's a page of how the system works. Next Tuesday at 7pm starts the caucus. Should be fun - let me know if anyone's going to Willow Creek Middle School and we'll make plans. Edwards will be dropping out later today so it's basically a 2 candidate race now!

So I can tolerate the cold.... the political mess will be over soon too... but the WORST news of the day is hearing that Santana was traded to the NY Mets for a bunch of no names. In Minnesota sports tradition, we trade the best players for nobody so we can end up in the basement of the standings to get top draft picks. This is now known as the "Moss-Garnett-Santana" effect. And what is the worst possible team for a pitcher of his caliber to go to? (Besides the Yankees) - THE FRICKIN' METS!! We just got Glavine back to the good side too! Going to be a long baseball season:(

Anyway - 3 days left! Big question on everybody's lips.... their chapped lips....

Haiku of the Day
Negative 14!!!
Can't feel my face with the wind
Body is still numb

Entertainment of the Day - I watched Balls of Fury last night which was actually funny. It's the ping pong movie with Christopher Walken (at his usual best) and a bunch of no names. It's pretty funny but unfortunate how Walken can act circles around anyone in this flick. Still worth checking out (only 90 minutes).

Weblink of the Day
- Top 20 "Geek Movies" of all time. Yeah, I've seen 18 of them (with extra credit). Nothing to be ashamed of.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hunting with Dick is still a lot safer than riding in a car with Ted Kennedy. Just to remind you. ....................Dad