Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My 5 Minute Blog

I have only 5 minutes this morning - so I'm typing as fast as I can and will publish when I run out of time.
  • American Idol season has begun. I have to admit that I was very much entertained by last night's episode from Philly auditions. If you don't usually watch the opening audition weeks, you SHOULD START WATCHING TONIGHT!!! And if you want to know a secret, record it on DVR and start watching 40 minutes late at least. I did that last night and caught up by the end of the show. So basically the 2 hours is over 40 minutes of commercials. Now you know the heart of the success to American Idol.
  • It's cold out - very cold this weekend too.
  • Sarah arrives in Rochester for her 2nd trip to the cold state of Minnesota tomorrow!!
  • Today is the 3 year anniversary of the passing of my good friend Shelly. I think she's still with us from time to time and she's missed as much as ever.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

here's to Shelly...the greatest mother in the world- a mother's love is forever and far-reaching!