Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy New Years 2008!!

It's been a while, but we're back in the saddle again (insert Aerosmith immitation here)!

And with 0% of the precincts reporting in, we are ready to declare ALL OF AMERICA already sick of the Presidential Caucus focus.... but a big day for Iowa none the less. Cause it makes sense that Iowa and New Hampshire go first to be the first step in choosing our next President!! If you're wondering when all of the primaries are for the next 6 months, go here. The sooner we get rid of the candidates that are just wasting money, the better. Still feel there's way too much money spent on this thing by everyone involved!

I'm back in the frosty land of Minnesota. After a WONDERFUL week with Sarah and her family in Florida, where the weather was perfect pretty much the entire time! We were in Naples, Florida (about as far south as it's worth going) on the Gulf side of Florida. We had plenty of time in the sun, swam with the fish and dolphins pretty much every day, and enjoyed the relaxation time away from home. I'll be posting pictures next week as soon as I have a chance to go through all of the photos!

And a belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to everyone! It was my first full holiday week NOT over seas and NOT working and I enjoyed every second of it.

Vikings season is over because rooting for them is like rooting for the Cyclones in so many ways. The NFL Playoffs should be a good time this year as I don't think New England will walk in uncontested.

Anyways - a huge WELCOME BACK to all of us experiencing the vacation hangover.

Haiku of the Day
Damn it's cold outside
Where is the "global warming"?
DAMN!! It's cold outside!

Entertainment of the Day - I FINALLY watched The Simpsons Movie and it was indeed funny! Yes, it's basically a 90 minute episode, but it was much better than a normal episode. I liked how they continued to poke fun at their weekly 30 minute position on Fox by having advertisements on the screen, and the "To Be Continued..... RIGHT NOW" stuff. But Homer was at his best in the movie. Well worth watching for any Simpson Fan. Not a lot of "extras" on the DVD though.

Weblink of the Day - This one will make your head hurt after a couple of listens.... the pitch continues to drop, even as you restart the whole video! Have fun with this one. Yes, there's an easy explanation to this if you want to know, email me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Adam! Happy New Year! We recently watched the Simpsons movie, too. Lots of funny stuff, although I think we need to watch it again to catch all the things we missed the first time. *wink*
Are you playing the next LSO concert? How about the kiddie concerts? Let me know. See you soon!