Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day 2006

Yes, I voted this morning. I am a nerd and am wearing my "I voted" sticker with pride this morning. Need to find out where you can vote? In Minnesota - go to this webpage. Take your ID with the correct address. If that address is wrong, take your current utility bill with you.

Go and vote - it's your right, it's your duty. 40% voter turnout is sad and pathetic. If you don't vote, you can't bitch.... I agree with that statement 100%!

Did you know that your employer has to allow you time off to go vote? I thought that was pretty cool..... I also am now looking forward to my phone not ringing, no more junk mail, and NO MORE ADS ON TV/RADIO!!! I can't imagine how bad it'll be in 2008. I did hear rumors that there were instances of a party calling and mis-identifying themselves in MN to try to sway voters. This can be pretty strict punishment but I'd be surprised if anything comes of it.

Here's a cool webpage that shows a county by county breakdown of the "general trends" of voting by party. Yes, back to the blue/red state thing again....

So Hazel and I celebrated one year together last night with dinner (at the Hanger - our first date) and relaxing. No, I didn't get her a new shovel or anything that exciting. I did get her a necklace and earrings so all of you skeptics can go away now. I do know how to do the good present shopping.

Rehearsals start tonight for La Crosse and yes, it feels like we just had our concert (2 weeks ago). We're playing the Mendelssohn Italian Symphony (#4) which is a fun and fast symphony to play. Not sure what else we're playing yet.

Go Vote - you'll thank yourself later for it.

Song of the Day - I also picked up some tickets for Hazel and I to go to Chess the musical next week. It's music from the 80s by the same folks that did Mamma Mia so that's why it's getting some attention now. I've waited some 12+ years for Chess to come around so I can see it. If you remember the song One Night in Bangkok... that's from Chess.

Video of the Day - Did you miss the Country Music Awards last night? I know I didn't "miss" them if you know what I mean.... but this video is pretty funny showing Faith Hill's negative reaction when Carrie Underwood was announced as Female Vocalist of the Year. Guess she forgot she was on camera!

Webpage of the Day - I thought this was an interesting webpage where they hold up the souvenir in front of the real thing and took a picture. A lot of time and effort used in creating these, but I think it turned out pretty well.


Jill said...

On the local morning TV news show this morning they announced that the channel would air the final political campaign commercial at 5:20, I plan to have a bag of popcorn, soda, and front row seat for the big event!

Anonymous said...

Election day? I thought they said it was erection day. So I took 2 Viagra this morning and they both got stuck in my throat. I've had a stiff neck all day.
Your Bro.

Chad said...

Haha! Your brother forgot to say, "thank you, thank you! I'll be here all week! Try the crab bisque and remember to tip your waitress."