Friday, April 14, 2006

Happy Easter Day Weekend!!

Happy Easter to everyone! It's Good Friday and there seems to be nobody at work today.

I am officially on Cingular. It only took about a 15 minute phone call this morning to make sure everything was switched over and working with the account. I think the reason it had so many issues was because of me porting over my old phone number to a new company. No big deal, but I do have to transfer all of my old numbers over - YUCK!!!

Easter is probably my favorite holiday - not only because of the annual gathering in Ames for some fun music and great eats, but because it's the biggest holiday to Christians in terms of importance. It is this holiday that separates us from other religions that believe Jesus was just a prophet. I also enjoy it so much more than the other holidays for the following reasons:

1) No reason to become stressed like people naturally do at Christmas
2) Much more rare to have bad weather on Easter than on Thanksgiving
3) The Easter Bunny is much cooler than Santa
4) Easter Candy is 2nd only to Valentine's Day candy... but on V-Day you're expected to give it to someone else.
5) Easter was the first holiday where I found my presents (A GI Joe Jeep - with cannon and Lego Space Set) and after putting some more details together, I figured out the true identity of the Easter Bunny (sorry if this is the first you've heard of it Pitzen - Santa is still real!!)
6) Easter also means that golf season is right around the corner!!!!

So Happy Easter to all of you! I'm hitting the Spam museum this afternoon with Hazel and her family. Don't worry, I'll take lots of pictures!!! In this time of reflection, I'm thankful for the billions of things that God has blessed me with - including all of you, my family and friends.... and all the unknown millions of fans out there! Put your faith in the Lord and you will see what He is truely capable of!!

Song of the Day - I'm going to pull out some Take 6 today (Gospel/Jazz A Cappella group that also dabbles in some R&B) and one of my favorite songs by them is Sunday's On The Way that is a song about Satan getting his way and finally killing off this dude named Christ.... well, on the third day... Guess who wins? I also have a recording of Wynton Marsalis Septet performing another Easter themed song in Jazz form of The Death of Jazz - Oh But on the 3rd Day which also starts out with a slow march-like death theme.... that turns into a Dixiland Jazz type celebration on that 3rd Day when Christ rose to victory!

Video of the Day - This is an easy one today. My own personal Easter Tradition has been to watch Jesus Christ Superstar by Andrew Lloyd Webber. It's straight out of the 70s which makes it cool with the afros and the hippie clothing! Some people still think of the musical as anti-religious, but I actually find parts of it inspiring. One of my favorite lines that is the basis of my personal faith is when Jesus is praying in the Garden of Gethsemane and says "God, thy will is hard... but you hold every card". How cool and true is that?

Webpage of the Day - On a different note, I forgot to throw this one out earlier in the week, but this is insane. Why spend $2000 on LASIK surgery when you can order this Home kit for $100!!! I am so curious how people decide to try to put an unknown laser into their eyes like this..... Make sure you check out the "How it Works" and "Four Easy Steps" tabs at the top!


Anonymous said...

If Santa is real and the Easter Bunny isn't, how can the Easter Bunny be cooler than Santa? you're off your rocker man. I'd much rather give up V-day and Easter candy for Christmas cookies.
I like how there isn't any kind of professional group or assocaition's trademark on the $100 Lasik machine. Even my toothpaste is American Dental Association approved.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice that the Dr who invented this Lasik@home device is still wearing glasses in the picture on the web page. Must not trust enough to use it on himself.
