I did have one funny experience that I forgot to share from a while ago. Some restaurants have only one restroom but instead of putting a lock on the door (think of a mens/womens bathroom at a bar or gas station that is shared), they just put in two stalls. So again, imagine my surprise that as I'm using the MEN'S URINAL, out of the toilet stall walks a lady who was as surprised as I was that we were sharing a bathroom without knowing it.
Thanks for the continual birthday cards that are arriving:) Makes my birthday feel like Hanukkah!!
Two requests from my millions (AND MILLIONS) of readers!!
1- I need to beef up my pictures of all my friends and family to show off while I'm here. I have pictures on my digital frame at work and on my iPod. Eventually I'll move a bunch to my cell phone. People ask about family and friends - plus it's nice to pull pictures out when I'm telling a story that involves the people in the picture. So if anyone wants to send me some pictures.... all are welcome! Just send as attachment to my email your greatest hits!
2- I see that finding WiiFit is going to be more of a challenge than I anticipated. If anyone has any "ins" to help me find 2 copies (one for me, one for a TW coworker who also has a US Wii) - I will kindly pay you back and pay for your troubles! In TW, the only ones you can find (and not sure they are "legit" anyways) are the japanese version. I am having enough trouble learning Chinese, let alone English.
Here are the WiiFit videos for anyone who has no idea what I'm talking about. It's as hard to find as the Wii is!!
Here's a picture of my birthday cake. It tasted pretty good, despite looking like it was my 3rd birthday, not 31.
Off to a night market in a bit with some friends. I have some minimal shopping to do, but I always enjoy looking. Tomorrow is "Family Day" but it's on the other side of Taiwan. Plus I couldn't find any of the "cool" people from work that were going;) Yeah, I'm very high schoolish like that! I need to do some work to get ready for my China trip next week anyway, plus get some new sheets/bedspread for my home.
Have a good weekend everyone! Happy Birthday to Kristi, Mark, Matt, and Lydia!! Hope I don't forget Courtney next week!
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