Monday, July 16, 2007

45 Days Till Kickoff!!

A B-E-A-UTIFUL Weekend.... lots of great weather for a lot of golf. I made the most of it playing 45 holes since Thursday night. I had my best round of the season for league Thursday night (that's not saying a whole lot considering how poor my other scores have been), but I'm slowly progressing.

Ever notice how Tom Cruise plays the EXACT SAME CHARACTER in every movie? So Minority Report was on TV yesterday and I put it on in the background as I did some other stuff around the house. Everytime I looked up at the movie, his character was running with some high intensity music going on. I kind of liked that movie and the plot behind it, but after seeing every other movie of his where he's running the entire movie, it's not as cool. I did remember that it's the only movie to use Schubert's Unfinished Symphony as music when he's looking at the videos of the future.... interesting.

But seriously, he has Mission Impossible 1-3, Jerry Maguire (he was running in that movie too if I remember right), Minority Report, War of the Worlds.... Other than the REMAKE of the HG Wells novel, you can't honestly tell me which of those movies is which. Kind of like Police Academy's 3-1 Billion.... they're all basically the same movie redone every dang time.

I do like lazy weekends that are productive, but also where I catch a ton of movies on TV - none of which are actually seen start to finish. Minority Report, Beerfest, 40 Year Old Virgin (with my absolute favorite scene.... "When the moooon is in the Seventh House.... and Jupiter aligns with Mars...."), X-Men (the last one).... and of course Spacecataz a couple hundred times.

ESPYs were finally shown - 4 days after the announcements which kind of defeats the purpose of showing them on TV when you know who wins... but anyways.... I know these things are cyclical, but Tiger only got one award for his domination? And Federer only one? Just shows that our sports dominated culture doesn't appreciate the individual sports as much. Best Driver? Oh yeah - #24!! I love pissing you folks off out there that care!

This little girl looks awfully familiar.... Fat Guy in a Little Dress...... Fat Guy in a Little Dress...... believe in Reincarnation yet?

Haiku of the Day (Chris Farley memoriam)
I'm Not "Status Quo"
"Fat Guy in a little coat"
"Or is it Spankey?"

Entertainment of the Day - I watched Black Christmas which I know, it's the wrong time of year to be watching movies about Christmas, especially horror flicks. But it had Lacey Chabert (who gets killed just as all the other Sorority girls get killed). Plot was pretty dumb and predictable and lots of blood. Blah....

Weblink of the Day - If you're feeling a little slow for a Monday morning, watch this clip and you'll feel like the smartest person on the earth (compared to these morons). Seriously.... how hard is this question? His family even gives him 2 easy answers to go with. Seriously....

1 comment:

MplsMom said...

That picture is hilarious! Do you think it's real?