Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Another Random List

Things that I'm not a big fan of today:
  • Country music (but y'all knew that one already)
  • Baseball players who don't run it out and set a bad example for kids. Check out Ramirez of the Cubs last night (8th inning).... hit a shot he thought was a home run and started walking and got cocky.... didn't start running till half way to 1st. Ended up with a double but could have gone for a triple if he would have actually run.
  • Revolving Doors. Long story that really isn't that interesting
  • Needles.... I've learned to look the other way.
  • Ringing in my ear... seriously drives me crazy for that 10 seconds or whatever
  • People who can't fill up the ice cube tray once they empty it
  • High School kids driving convertibles around town..... should be driving beaters!
  • New noises in my car that weren't there a month ago - new one is a rattle in the back left door and it's a weird one
  • People who actually still have the standard ringtone for their Nokia phone. There are at least 30 other ringtones to use
  • People on cell phones while on the treadmill
  • Over analyzation of presidential race that is still 15 months from the actual voting:( Sad that the hateful commercials are going to be back very soon.
  • Ticketmaster over charges..... $45 per seat x2 should = $90 + a little extra for tax... NOT $113!!!! Bastards!
  • People who schedule 7:30am meetings then don't show up for them
  • Folks that don't get references to Space Cataz... gotta be up on this stuff!
  • Rochester.... but that's every day!
  • Commercials because I'm watching Live TV:( The local ones still annoy me (Pawn America, Rochester Lapidary, Treasure Island, and Universal Marine and RV)
  • People who call my bass a "cello".... at least "Jumbo Guitar" is funny, still not right, but it's funny.
  • Q-tips.... if they're not designed to go inside of your ear, what are they for? The doctor says don't stick it in your ear - then what are they for and why do they only come in quantities of 5000?
  • Hanson who still isn't cool but sings the National Anthem (and not very well) at the Chicago NASCAR race? Wouldn't they be better for a NAMBLA assembly?
  • People who park in Handicapped stalls who are obviously just lazy (or using someone else's permit). No wonder we need 30 of them wherever we go.

Haiku of the Day
Mmmm, bop - GENTLEMEN
ba duda dop ba du bop

Entertainment of the Day - I changed up my morning workout list this weekend. Even though I was in "shuffle" mode, seemed to be a Dave Matthew's Band morning. The only album I uploaded was "Live at Red Rocks" which is still probably my favorite live album that I have. Even though some of his latter songs are awesome, I still like that live album best. Probably because it was first of the 30 live CDs that were to come for that group.

Weblink of the Day - This one's for Eddie.... good song (did we see Drowning Pool ever?) and funny way to relay the video:)


Anonymous said...

Jumbo Guitar!!!!

Kahnman said...

Amen on Ramirez loafing. I saw that last night and was yelling at him. His lack of hustle is well documented.