Wednesday, July 11, 2007

And There Was Much Rejoicing (yeeeeah)!!

So there comes a point in time when all the suffering and work of the dedicated folks in history actually comes to fruition and changes are made for the betterment of everyone. Think of Woman's rights..... think of the rights of minorities in the US..... think of how many years people were begging George Lucas to finish his Star Wars saga.....

Today, we say thanks to the Lord in Heaven for the changes being made in La Crosse with regards to the Symphony. It was finally announced that in the Spring of 2009, we will no longer have our conductor who has plagued us for far too long now. 10 more concerts with her, then time for a change.... the countdown has begun!!! Now the search for a real conductor can begin and the La Crosse Symphony can get back to a higher level of playing excellence.

With that news, nothing can really rattle me today. Even Charter who last night around 11pm (after no internet yet again for 4 hours) informed me that my cable modem wasn't working right and I need a new one. So as I was doing errands this morning, I stopped by to exchange it (right around 8am). Charter doesn't open till 8:30! WHO OPENS AT 8:30!?!?!? I hate it when the rest of the world doesn't operate early - guess I'm too used to working for a 24x7x365 Company that is always moving.

All-Star game last night for baseball. There was a moment for the Cubs to be the heros of the game, but Lee walked instead of walking off with the game winner. As usual for an All-Star game of any sport, pretty uneventful and meaningless. Now everyone can get back to not caring about Barry Bonds breaking the record.

Today I also get my new tooth... no more shiney temporary crown for me! Hopefully I'll be able to eat as normal soon:)

Have a great Humpday!

Haiku of the Day
The end is in sight
We'll miss the purple bunny
and the chihuahua

Entertainment of the Day - I was on an 80s Monster Ballads kick yesterday for some odd reason. Warrant, Cinderella, White Snake, Winger, Poison, Scorpions, Bad English, Firehouse...... good stuff.

Weblink of the Day - Sorry for the game yesterday that really never ended or got any harder. I quit around 400 finally. Today's link is a G-map (from Google Goodness) Pedometer. You can now figure out more accurately how far your morning walk/run is online. Much better than guessing.

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