Friday, July 07, 2006

Pet Peeves

I'm driving home yesterday past Soldier's Field (Golf Course in Rochester, not the home of the Chicago Bears) and I see an electronic sign on the side of the 4 lane highway to encourage us all to be safe. It says "Obey the Law - Buckel Up!" BuckEL? I had to do a double take. Now I'm not the king of grammar and of spelling by any means, but this is a sign that is probably viewed by 5000-6000 drivers every day. And you can't spell the word "buckle" correctly? Spelling is a big pet peeve of mine when it's for things that are both easy as well as highly noticeable. In contrast, there are only 50-60 readers of my blog on a daily basis.

So in my frustration, I decided to list other pet peeves of mine for you to ponder (and avoid if you're going to be around me).

- High Schoolers on cell phones. High Schoolers driving nice cars while on their cell phones.... High Schoolers in the middle of a nice restaurant on their cell phones..... you get my drift.
- Continuous miss-spellings of the words "their", "there" and "they're". Along with that is "your" and "you're". And just for Matt, calling other people "looser" instead of the normal name calling spelling of "loser"
- Miller Lite commercials that think they can take down Bud Light. Get over it already, nobody beats the King!
- The new "automated" menus when you call 800 numbers where the voice is trying to be nice. Then when you connect to a human (after 5 minutes of trying to find the right option), the real person is rude and makes you want the friendly computer voice back.
- When I can't just hit "0" or a mess of numbers in hope of automatically being transferred to an operator when I call 800 numbers.
- Spending $15 at the store on Toilet Paper, Kleenex, and Paper Towels. I find that ridiculous for said items and detest that trip where I have to stock up again. You can't buy too cheap on that stuff and I refuse to buy 300 rolls of toilet paper in order to save 30 cents per roll.
- Woman hygiene commercials on TV. And erectile disfunction enhancement pill commercials as well. Notice that NASCAR televised has about 2 of them per commercial break? Wonder what they're trying to say.
- Speaking of commercials..... The following commercials are on the all-time annoying list - they are ALL local to Rochester which makes it even worse:
  • Find "click"
  • (Bahaman theme playing).... Treasure Island, Resort and Casinoooooooo
  • (Kids singing) Universal Marine and RV (for good times.... and value)
  • Charter Media - I'm already subscribed and giving them too much money, so why do they have to waste my time with more advertising for them? They also have very bad commercials which doesn't help.
  • Which other ones am I missing and need to add on here. The Adventureland ones from living in Iowa got pretty old.
- Folks in Rochester that do not know how to turn in to the lane closest to them when they turn onto a 4 lane road. Sorry, but Minnesota drivers are pretty bad with that whole lane-driving thing. Stuck in the left lane way too much.

Have a great weekend!

Song of the Day - since we're on the subject of Pet Peeves.... Jessica Simpson has a new song titled A Public Affair. I just heard it on KROC yesterday (it is on iTunes already). When I heard this song, I could only hear it as a pathetic steal from Madonna's Dress You Up (lyrics - "Gonna Dress you up with my love.... all over all over" you know the one I'm talking about). I hate it when someone comes out with a "new" song that is basically a theft of another song that people will indeed recognize. I wonder if I'm not the only one that has this same thought.

Video of the Day - I heard this morning that Kelly McGillis (the one hit wonder from Top Gun) is 49 this weekend. Has that movie really been around that long? Am I really getting that old? Without using (Internet Movie Data Base for the unknowing.... the only site you need to use while watching a movie and asking "what else has he or she been in?") - can you name one other movie that Kelly's been in? Once you do look, can you name one of the movies that she's been in that you've actually seen? I rest my case. Video of the Day is Top Gun - an almost perfect movie. Should have left out the volleyball scene.

Webpage of the Day
- Thanks to ChaChi for today's suggestion.... You love bubble wrap? You love popping bubble wrap? You love popping bubble wrap and annoying your friends? Then this is the Webpage for you!


Kahnman said...

"Come on over to Adventureland. You're gonna have a fun-filled day!"

Holy cow, I have never even heard of 90% of the stuff Kelly McGillis has been in. You know it's sad when they have to list an episode of the Rosie O'donnell Show to round out her filmography.

Anonymous said...

Your way to critical of other people. If you would be more sympathetic to they're views, then you wouldn't have so many pet peeves.
The worst commercials are the Lexington attorneys that advertise down here - some of these guys have no shame. William Shatner stumps for one of them.
Your Bro

Anonymous said...

You forgot the commercials...not sure if they are still on, but they were totally annoying.