Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Reflecting on the News

It's hot - and only getting worse by the forecast. Here in Minnesota, we're not nearly as bad off as the folks in California (115 degrees+) - but it is looking like 100 degrees+ for us again this weekend. That just means more time by the pool:)

US Television stations are required to switch to only digital broadcasts by February 2009. How come I feel that this is not going to happen? Aren't there too many people not on the grid to make this mandatory?

Netflix earnings tripled in 2Q - but stock went down 20%. I hate Wall Street. I love how corporate America is no longer about making money, it's about competing with the idiots on Wall Street. Earning $16.8 Million in a quarter as an online DVD renting company just isn't good enough I guess.

America's got Talent is back on tonight - no more Bobby Badfingers (sorry Jim). I think there should be a college edition that has people chugging, or doing stupid alcohol tricks. Chugging Mt. Dew or something like that.....

Twins win again - only 1 game back of the White Sox! Big question in baseball is where will Soriano go? Hopefully not to the Yankees or White Sox (who are both showing the most interest). Twins should be ok without a trade - they have the strongest bullpen in MLB and the starting pitchers are doing ok for themselves as well. The Braves picked up a closer, but it still might not be enough.

Agassi won yesterday in a match in the 110 degree heat in Los Angeles. I cannot imagine playing 2 sets (probably about 2 hours worth) of tennis in 110 degree heat.

NBA introduced a new basketball to be used in 2006 - new design by Spalding and the first design change since 1970. There have probably been at least 100 changes to golf balls used on the PGA tour in that time. It's an interesting read on why they are changing it (less absorbent to sweat - still won't help the problem of professional players getting 3 steps during the games).

And of course fighting continues in Israel and Lebanon. Guess I don't have any new comments about that - I'll refrain from vocalizing too extensively on the uselessness of Condoleezza going over there.

Song of the Day - Dang Bobby Badfingers and that stupid Conga song by Gloria Estefan.... what is she doing now a days?

Video of the Day
- Something that is cool is this 11 year old Yoddeler that DID move on to the next round. Yoddeling is pretty cool - here's a site to help get you started if you're interested. I do in fact have some yodel music (from Switzerland of course) if anyone local is interested in having a copy:)

Webpage of the Day
- can't ever get enough of the Hoff can ya? I "might" have ordered a shirt on ebay to wear next week (thanks to Wyatt's idea) - stay tuned:)

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