Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I'm On My Way.....

My Vacation starts today after work. There will be a lot of driving and sitting in the car, but anything that doesn't involve me having to go to work for the next week.

Tonight I will be going to Iowa to my parents' house. My grandmother is meeting us there as well tonight. Then in the morning, all 4 of us are driving to Kentucky (about an 11 hour drive) to my Brother's house. We will spend two nights there with him, the wonderful nephews, and my sister-in-law before leaving Friday for the mountains of western North Carolina. My Aunt Nyla that passed away in March... we are having a memorial service for her there at her family's cabin that they've been going to for as long as I can remember. I've never been there but I know the people that have been there absolutely love it. Away from city noise, airplanes, all that stuff that clogs the airwaves. We are burying her ashes this weekend as well. There will be a lot of family from my mom's side which will be great to see everyone. Hazel is not going with since she already had plans to go see her other boyfriends in Boston this weekend and next week. She told me she has a "nursing convention" but I saw right through that excuse.

I'll continue to blog as I can, depending on where I can find network connections. I'll share some photos of the family and of course of the wonderful mountains out there. I'm excited to get out of the midwest for the week.

Tammy was fired from The Apprentice last night, leaving Trump with 4 idiots that he has to decide which one will be least detrimental to his company. I personally wouldn't hire any of them. Too bad because the love affair between Tammy and Sean was kind of fun to watch. I think Allie is cold hearted and just an immature brat at this point. It's funny how the three women are BFF until one of them has to get fired and then they all start turning on each other. My pick to win it all is probably Lee. He has the business mentality (or knows how to play the game) more than anyone else.

I sliced my toe open last night while I was hauling away the excess dirt for my flower garden. I'm almost done, just waiting for the two rose bushes to show up at this point. But carrying tubs full of dirt weighing probably 100 pounds isn't fun. Tripping over the gas valves outside while wearing sandals and slicing your big toe open isn't fun either. Still pretty blue today but at least it stopped bleeding. Wonder where I could find a nurse to look at it and see if it's infected.....

Ok, enough for today. I will be in contact soon, although it might be brief! Take care and have a great week y'all!!

Song of the Day - Thanks to the heads up of my good friend Kahn, I picked up the Party Polka CD from the Rochester Library that I had on reserve. This thing is awesome with 20 of the best Polka songs out there. It is reinspiring me to practice the accordion again in preparation of Oktoberfest. Can't ever have too much Polka music right?!?! I'll keep looking at the library for more CDs the next time I am there. I did find it interesting that it is categorized under "Dance"....

Video of the Day - I watched two movies to comment about this past weekend. First was the dumb Fun With Dick and Jane with Jim Carey playing his usual character. The plot was pretty dumb, even though I thought it was clever timing to produce a movie while all the corporate scandals of Enron, Worldcom, etc. are still fresh in our minds. The other strange movie I watched was Stay with Ewan McGregor, Naomi Watts, and Ryan Gosling ("I love those cupcakes like".... nevermind). Anyone else seen it yet? I am going to rewatch it and see if I enjoy it more the 2nd time around but it's one of those movies that you never really understand the entire time you're watching and when it ends, you don't get a strong reaction one way or the other.

Webpage of the Day
- This cracked me up. A group in NYC has 80 people dressed in Bold Blue shirts and khaki pants then go into a Best Buy to just stand around looking like the employees. It's funny how the management of Best Buy thinks there is going to be a bomb or a big heist when all they were doing was having some perfectly legal fun. I also liked the idea of doing the same thing at a Target. A long but enjoyable read! Make sure to check out the video towards the middle half!


Kahnman said...

When I think of polka music, I think of you, so I had to tell you about that CD.

I actually updated my blog today.

Your webpage of the day link isn't working right...

Anonymous said...

I found Fun with Dick and Jane to be pretty funny. I had a lot of reservations at first, expecting Jim Carey to be disappointing (he was). I actually thought the extremes of the situations they're in to be the funniest even though they were not realistic. FYI, landscape (or any other construction work for that matter) can't be removed once it is installed even if it isn't paid for.

You don't have any plans to canoe down a river when you're down south do you? I don't know if the bass can take the place of the banjo or not, but it's worth a try.

Jill said...

Hhmmm...canoe trips. Such fond memories of those...to bad we are all all grown up now huh?!? Have a great vacation Adam and when you get a chance give Ptizen a call and ask him about his romantic evening at Huntington? Beach!!!
Love ya brian!