Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Four Going On Three

American Idol Discussion:

Now we're down to business. All 4 have their moments, but the more I watch, the more I am impressed with Elliott. So he got my vote last night. My rankings from last night (and info for those that don't watch):

1) Elliott - the "Wild Card" guy that has been on the brink of extinction every week but he also is the one person that from the start seems to have improved and taken the advice of others to heart. That alone impresses me a lot, let alone his constant choosing of the most difficult songs every week and nailing them. I seriously want to see him stick around another week but I have a bad feeling that his time is up with the rest of America.

2) Chris - the Rocker that I think deep down, all of us want to see win this thing. I was scared when he announced his picks of Elvis tunes, but his rendition of A Little More Satisfaction was pretty dang cool.

3) Taylor - his "act" is getting old. He's a decent performer and pretty good vocalist (as proven with Eric Cartman's In The Ghetto last night), but is he really destined to sell record after record? I think Simon fears this as well and thus is very critical of him. I think he's around another week, but can he really win this thing?

4) Katharine - the Theory Book version of "American Idol". She has the vocal style, the appearance, the personality of what has typically been defined as the winner of this thing. Reminds me a lot of Kelly Clarkson in many different ways. But she was pretty crappy last night in my opinion. She's the only girl left which will probably help her (girls always get special treatment in life.... ask any cop). Some weeks I think she can win, others (like last night) I think she should be at home watching the boys fight it out.

So there it is.... we'll find out if I'm right or not tonight. Plus the final episode of Unan1mous is on tonight. The show is actually doing better in the standings than I thought, but that probably has some help from following American Idol.

The work around my townhouse is coming right along. I finished the great cable rewiring project last night. I have to buy a face plate, but it's rewired and I no longer have a wire running over my doorway and closet to the TV. Now I can start thinking about painting that room, probably this Fall. I also planted some of my flowers into my planters that I do every year. Nothing fancy yet. My flowers from Holland should be here tomorrow (according to UPS).

And the World Cup starts in 30 days! I'm excited, and I see by the following picture, so is my nephew Elliott! I will be seeing the nephews in less than a week! Enjoy the picture.... he's the next Pele ya know!

Song of the Day - It's officially Elvis Day for me. He has such wonderful songs, a lot of which should not be redone. Elvis had the ability to mix pop, gospel, and a little bit of early rock in his voice alone. There will probably never be another performer quite like Elvis - thus what makes him so popular even today. I still have Don't playing right now as one of my favorites.

Video of the Day - The last of my movies from this past weekend was Chicken Little (The Disney one, not the American Idol one). It was a cute flick, but not worth buying in my opinion. I do enjoy watching the evolution of the graphics with each animated movie that comes out. We've come a long way, even since the Toy Story days.

Webpage of the Day - Entertainment Weekly's list of "Twenty Scariest Movies". Only a few that I haven't seen, including Rosemary's Babyby Roman Polanski. I will have to add that one to my Netflix queue. Funny part was seeing Evil Dead on there as I wouldn't call it scary. That might have more to do with the fact that Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness are some of the funnier movies I've ever seen. "Good, Bad, I'm the guy with the gun".

Have a great Wednesday!

1 comment:

adickins00 said...

The Shining will always top my list of scary movies. The Ring was pretty scary when watched at midnight with all the lights out.

I will check out Event Horizon and Rosemary's Baby sometime.

Stanley Kubrick was a genius... nuf said.