Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Happy Day After Memorial Day

What a nice (although way too hot) weekend! Hazel and I went to Cedar Rapids (where a lot of your cereal is made... too bad it wasn't Crunch Berry Day! I love that smell!) for the weekend to hang out with the parental units. I had a great relaxing birthday on Saturday (thanks for all the bday wishes!) and we went shopping down in Williamsburg at the Tanger Outlet Center. I remember when that place first opened and there were only a dozen or so shops. You could go down and be done in about an hour. Now they have 50+ stores and it took us a good 5+ hours to go through the whole thing. Found some great deals with all of the Memorial Day sales going on top of the outlet type prices. I'm cheap like that! We grilled up some pork chops that night and relaxed.

The fun came on Sunday. We hit up Brucemore in Cedar Rapids which is a historical mansion that you can tour and visit. They have nice gardens, but the house itself is what makes it so cool. Built in 1871 (or so), it has been preserved to look like the original house and has a lot of antiques in it. Well worth the $8 if you're in Cedar Rapids. The best part of the house is the Tiki room in the basement. The third owner of the house when he would entertain his male friends, they would head down to this room that has the feel of a little shak or bar in Tahiti. He has a metal roof for the ceiling and then has water that comes down the ceiling and down the sides of the room to make you feel like you're being rained on in Tahiti. How awesome is that?!?!?!

Sunday night we went to Disco in the District over in the Quad Cities. The Travoltas finally came on stage at 10pm and played an incredible set! We left a little early since we had an hour+ drive home but now I'm pumped for Disco. I had the outfit going on as well - unfortunately Hazel has those pictures on her camera so I'll have to share them at a later time.

It's already Tuesday, and the first with no American Idol! So I can get some more stuff done around the house tonight finally. And for those that are wondering, being 29 feels just the same as being 28.

Song of the Day - Why does everyone think that Dancing Queen is the only ABBA song out there? The Travoltas broke out the Take A Chance On Me and that's a great song! Mom loved it! I'm glad my folks enjoyed it as much as I did! Next year, I'll get them to dress the part as well.

Video of the Day - I watched Just Friends this weekend that has Ryan Reynolds, Amy Smart, and Chris Klein. It was pretty dang funny and made me laugh. Reynolds is the former fat kid from high school and now 10 years later is a successful California guy that is still in love with his "BFF" female friend from High School. Some of the things he says and does is a riot. Plus his typical relationship with his younger brother is great. Check it out for those of you on Netflix.

Webpage of the Day - PSA for Kahn..... I know you use Jessica Simpson's baby shampoo but it's been recalled for safety concerns. All the rest of you perverts will have to return your shampoo as well. Suds 'N Studs is seriously the name of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just got caught up on your blogging. Cool wikipedia on Friday blog. Oh, my birthday is May 29th as well :-) However, I long ago pasted the 29 on the 29th. Oh well. Life goes on.

Sounds like you had fun "down South". All I know is that is was HOT this weekend.