Monday, February 06, 2006

Super Commercialism

Yeah, yeah - my prediction was wrong. Shouldn't be a surprise then that I lost $6 and had a "5 minute penalty" outside in the cold due to other wrong predictions. Congrats to the Steelers though. Time to start focusing all of this energy on Hockey!

The game itself was ok. Some bad drops on Seattle's part and some bad offense all the way around at times. But the commercials (at some 50 bajillion dollars for 30 seconds) lived up to their usual hype. My favorites:

* H3 was my favorite, although I was told it was NOT a new commercial. New to me who hates watching commercials on the other 364 days of the year.
* Budweiser showed they are the King of Commercials again this year. I enjoyed The Drinking Stadium and the Streaker commercials a lot.... but the best Bud commercial was easily the Hiding of Budlights at the Office....
* Phone Deterrent was awesome.... Nice to see Sprint do something funny for once, although that might be the Nextel influence helping out.
* FedEx was a good one. No excuses.
* There was a great commercial with a cute girl playing tackle football..... problem is that while the commercial was funny, I couldn't remember without looking it up what the commercial was for. Michelob.... but still a good commercial in my book.
* Whoperettes was a good commercial...

Commercials that were a waste of money:

* United.... didn't they just get OUT of Bankruptcy and their commercial probably just sent them back into it.
* Ford (with Kermit).... dumb. Simply Dumb.
* All the new lineups for ABC programming
* Disney World. Who did end up saying the line that we'll see for the next 20 years???
* While the new Pizza from Pizza Hut looks good.... the commercials were a waste of time.

That's all you get for today! Have a great Monday - back to "normal" tomorrow!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought the Ameriquest ones were good. Both were rather funny.