Thursday, February 02, 2006

A Remote Gobbler's Knob

Rise and shine, campers, and don't forget your booties 'cause it's cooooold out there today!!
It's cold out there every day. What is this, Miami Beach?
Not hardly. So the big question on everybody's lips.
On their chapped lips
Their chapped lips is, does Phil feel lucky? Punksatawney Phil, thats right wood chuck chuckers its.....


Sorry about this, but today is probably one of my favorite holidays. It's the time of year when we pay attention to a little groundhog in Pennsylvania who is probably just as accurate at predicting the weather as the idiots on TV that get paid for it!!! Being a Meteorologist or whatever it's called, has to be the ONLY job I can think of where you can be right only 10-15% of the time and still keep your job. Even an employee of Burger King has to be right more than 50% of the time!!

It's also the day when I pull out one of my favorite movies and enjoy an incredibly funny performance by Bill Murray as Phil Connors. Hey now, don't tell me you don't remember me 'cause I sure as heckfire remember you.....


I'm off to La Crosse tonight for rehearsal, then concert on Friday and Saturday nights. Hazel is tagging along (I should make her drive so I can watch my movie in the car) since tonight we'll be in the Wisconsin Dells and get to see my brother and his family. That means I'll have new pictures of the adorable nephews to share with y'all next week!!!!

Then Super Bowl Sunday is very near! Yet another strange holiday that seems to be bigger than Christmas at times. I already predicted the SeaHawks to win and I still stand by that prediction. Am I right... or am I right? or am I right? Am I right?

Reading the news today, I see that Phil unfortunately saw his shadow and went back into hiding for 6 more weeks till Spring arrives. Yeah, that means spring arrives late this year.... I'm predicting March 21st.

My closing thoughts are this..... When Chekhov saw the long winter, he saw a winter bleak and dark and bereft of hope. Yet we know that winter is just another step in the cycle of life. But sitting here among the millions of readers of my blog and basking in the warmth of their hearths and hearts, I couldn't imagine a better fate than a long and lustrous winter.

Song of the Day - Of course in honor of today, it's Pennsylvania Polka. Not only is it a quality song from a quality film... it's one of the greatest Polkas out there to sing, dance and of course drink to. I still have a ways to go to work this one up on the Accordion. Requires the big 120 button one which I'm not ready for!

Video of the Day - Duh....

Webpage of the Day - There's an Official Punxsutawney Groundhog Club.... I might have to look into that before next year's trip to Pennsylvania!! Too funny!


Anonymous said...

Happy ground Hog's Day from the Ground Hog Capitol of Nebraska! - Where Unadilla Bill did NOT see his shadow this morning. (Darn! We need the moisture, but maybe the Spring rains will come early)

Have a great ground hog's day. And... if you are in the area (yeah, right) come to the ground hog parade on Saturday, in lovely downtown Unadilla, NE.

Love and HUGS.....
G Nee Nee

Anonymous said...

I also predict the Seahawks!! I think we are a couple of the only schmucks to pick Seattle but that's my pick and I'm stickin' to it.