Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Free At Last....

New President Day.... I am already celebrating in Taiwan! I'm a little amazed at the hype and focus the inauguration is getting. I don't seem to remember all of this in 2001. I'm excited and should make for good TV watching for those who are able. I'll have to watch it tomorrow as I'm not going to stay up till 11:30pm to start watching.

I guess I'm becoming "local" and it's showing. For whatever reason this weekend, I was asked to take someone's photo in 2 seperate instances. Maybe they see me as a friendly face, or maybe they think I'm actually Taiwanese. And the real funny story was that while waiting for Alex on Saturday, I seriously had a Taiwanese person ask me if I knew where the bathroom was. This was while I was standing out front of the Technology Mall.... and I told him no, I had no idea where the bathroom was. Not sure what that was all about.

Scanning through the channels last night, I stumbled across Dora the Explorer again. I was determined to share with you especially since a lot of you have young children who LOVE watching Dora and learning Spanish. In Taiwan, Dora speaks Chinese and helps the kids learn English as you'll see. (Sorry, can't embed this one)

Anyway - short blog today. Happy New President Day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that reminds me of Emily singing on yesterdays car ride home...she sounded to be slurring her words or at least giving them a weird ending noise/sound...when she gets done she always asks if i liked her song, well this time she also mentioned that she was singing it in Spanish!! I asked her where she learned to do that and she said she just made it up!!