Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Beware - today you'll learn of maybe the WORST product to ever come out of the Microsoft folks - Far worse than Windows ME or Vista! Thanks to Chris (papa for the 2nd time - CONGRATS) for the links and laughs.

An actual new product called Songsmith. Here's an extended video/commercial that gives you the jist of how it works.

And if that isn't bad enough - here are some real life examples of some songs you'll recognize, but of course with the addition of Songsmith.

What the....

Anyway - for some good music, I downloaded Offspring's Greatest Hits.... I feel like I'm back in Towers again for our floor parties!!

1 comment:

MplsMom said...

the tower's! Ah how I miss floor parties and Liter mugs!! BTW that thing is stupid and ruins good songs!