Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Blog For The Right Brain

Thanks to the suggestion by my mom, I finished the book A Whole New Mind which is a book that anyone in the 2008 Business world or Technical Field should read. The subtitle of the book is "Why Right Brainers Will Rule The World". So some of you are going to use this opportunity to jump ahead, or go check last night's sports scores (Twins got smoked by the Spankees). But seriously - the book is a great description of the business environment we all are facing in the US. There are other people in the world that can do our job for less money, and sometimes even computers can do our job for us making the day to day tasks that are traditionally left brained.... well, obsolete for "expensive" Americans. So the solution isn't to develop your left brained skills (logical, sequential, binary type thought), but to develop your right brained skills (creativity, innovative, revolutionary). These are skills that a computer can't do, and that in general are not as well developed in the rest of the non-US world. It offers a lot of powerful ways that one can begin seeing their jobs in a new view, from an outside view even. If your company has ever offered the words "Global Resourcing" or "Off Shoring", then this book is for you. You've been officially warned, and told how to prevent getting stuck in the corporate move to have cheaper labor do the same job you are doing now. I'm just thankful that I already saw the lesson of the book and have the natural ability to use the right side of my brain. Now to continue developing it and look for opportunities to use it in my role here in Taiwan!

Anyway - I finally finished watching There Will Be Blood which seemed to be the longest movie with only one plot. I wouldn't call the movie a Top 10 flick, although I did enjoy Daniel Day Lewis' performance (he did win the Oscar after all).... I did however love the music by Johnny Greenwood who suprisingly is of Radiohead fame. Small world. The music was minimalist, written for a movie that takes place in the 1890s.... very well done! If you have about 5 hours to spare, take a gander.

I've been invited to my first Taiwanese wedding this weekend! It's actually a Christian wedding (takes place at the same Church I've been attending) but it might be in Mandarin. Wonder how you say "Takes a man to give away an angel". I'll stop there with the quotes. I'll make sure to take lots of photos. Thankfully the Church is Air Conditioned. I'm still debating whether to wear a tie or not. Who gets married in the middle of summer anymore???? I'll let you know if they play Thriller or Hokey Pokey at the reception. I'm prepared to pull out some dance moves if called upon!

Have a great Tuesday - Hot and Humid in Taiwan with an afternoon thunderstorm out of nowhere.

1 comment:

RecordColl said...

Let's hope at the wedding they play the Chicken Dance. That be a great video for Adam to star in..or would it!! :)
