Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Just Another Typical Day

So the first day of work was a success! I had "help" in getting to the office, then took public transportation home. The bus ride was bumpy and my head was hitting the handle bars (before you mock me, this happens in the US frequently... now you can mock me), plus the damn bus driver drives like an animal!! Then we switched to the train which was AWESOME! Very quick and very efficient around here!

Public Transportation - CHECK!

My team is wonderful - mostly a young team eager to learn and discover the bigger picture of the company and industry. As the current manager said though - this will give all of them a WONDERFUL opportunity to practice and enhance their English speaking abilities! I promised that if they continue to be patient with me getting up to speed, then I will continue trying to learn Chinese!

Found more Starbucks over here.... one even in the lobby of my work building! Not good for my caffeine addiction although I'm starting to have my anti-Starbucks mentality again after a short break. There are plenty of other coffee shops, just none with the recognized logo. They have Mr. Donut all over too - usually right next door!

The weather continues to be very warm and kind of muggy. I know it will get hotter still - I plan on losing weight just from sweating all day long. Right now it feels like a Minnesota June - where you're happy to feel the air conditioning but know that it will continue to get worse! I don't know that it actually gets hotter or more humid here than we see in the mid-west US, but what's going to bother me is the duration. Similar to the snow again this week in Minnesota (that makes 7 calendar months we've had snow, 1/2 of the year!!!) - just never goes away!

Some non-Taiwan thoughts - Kansas won so I win! For the first time in my decent bracket-picking career, the tiebreaker was required. I threw in a 78-69 guess and wow, I was only 4 points off total on that guess! I think I use "69" as a guess every year for the tie breaker - just glad I benefited from it!

Yes Jill, I'm ignoring you and your backflip putz....

This whole West Texas polygamist fram or whatever is kind of weird. Actually, pretty scary given the history of Texas ranch's/compounds....

Every damn Yankees game is on TV here - I hate the Yankees! Plus they are sometimes on two channels - one in English (still has Chinese commercials) and one in Chinese (Yankees still suck!)

Thankfully HBO, Cinimax, Movie Channel are all in English (just have to ignore the subtitles... or try to learn the Chinese characters while you watch) and NO commercials so they make great background noise in the hotel room.

Food? So far I've been slowly experimenting (and successful at avoiding seafood... just like home!) but I'm very thankful for the Western Buffet in the mornings at the hotel (included in the room rate!).

Anyways - have a great Tuesday! Thanks for reading!


Anonymous said...

You can't ignore me...just when you least expect it...I was telling the Boy about the time difference and he was amazed thinking that last night while we were enjoying our supper you were heading to work for the day!

Anonymous said...

Glad things are going well so far! Cool pics. Phoebe enjoyed looking at it. She's been talking about "Big Show!" for the last week. ;)


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear about your safe arrival and new adventures. Cool pics of the Taipai 101 tower. I'll be so interested to know if you are able to steer clear of the seafood for your duration. Stay safe, and keep those updates coming! Oso misses you (we do too!)