Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hump Day Around The World

First off - so nobody plans too late and "misses" it this year... the schedule is out for this year's Preeclampsia walks (in memory of our friend Shelly). Check it out if you're interested (I obviously will not be a part of any of these directly) especially for those in Madison, San Diego, Davenport, and Raleigh..... Funny - I know friends in those places.... you all know who you are!

Hong Kong - what a huge city! I got to experience rush hour traffic on a hot day! But more importantly, I got my resident visa in hand plus made it back to Taipei in one piece. The final step now is getting my Alien Resident Certificate which will hopefully be here on Monday. Then the fun begins with getting cell phone, bank accounts, all the things you do when you're a "local"!

I'm growing a little frustrated with the hotel life. I'm too cheap to eat at the expensive hotel restaurants, and there really aren't any food places under 5 minutes away. My best bet is to just get food when I get off the train and then come back to the hotel rather than trying to go back out for a "quick" bite before my evening meetings start. Plus I can't make or cook anything here in the hotel room. So yeah, I'll be ready for May 1 when my apartment becomes my home.

I have my American Idol evaluation for you on time as usual. Again, thanks goes to YouTube for keeping me up on my US pop culture.

Ready for Recording
David Cook - careful, the Rocker was voted off in the Top 3 two seasons ago (he's still the most successful of that season though). Not sure I like hearing a rocker redo Mariah Carey, but such is the theme...

Hangin' Around
David Archuleta - it was pretty good, but will he sell records? I just don't think so yet....
Jason Castro - Guys dominate but then again, we saw Michael Johns go home last week on an "average" performance.... another one I don't think will sell a lot of records.
Syesha - She continues to prove week after week that she's no Mariah/Whitney but I think she will still sell some records through time. You'll hear her name for a while. But still bottom 3:) Such is the game of American Idol.

Bottom 3
Kristie Lee Cook - It was good for her, but still some pitch problems. How many weeks can the underdog hottie stick around???
Brooke White - Let's see... Brooke playing simple chords on the piano while singing a slow song. Isn't that every week? Getting old quick... She also looked kind of homely again this week.
Carly - That wasn't very good in my opinion. My pick to go home this week.

They need Prince night! Or "Paula doesn't speak" night... that'd do well!

Anyway - that's all for today. Been a long week already with the "extra" travel and I have 2 meetings to go yet tonight. Have a great Wednesday!

1 comment:

Queen Maureen said...

Adam! Thanks for continuing to faithfully update your blog - its like you haven't left the USA. :-)