Monday, March 03, 2008

Random Links

Since I haven't had a lot of time this morning to put some serious thought into today's blog - here are a bunch of links that made me laugh over the weekend.

  • Predictions from 1900 Ladies Home Journal that would happen in the next 100 years (click to zoom in)
  • Ignore the "Doom" or whatever shooting aspects, but here's a first person interpretation of Super Mario Brothers (the 1st one that all of us know and love). Would be cooler if you could see jumping on the turtle/shroom guys.
  • Total Lunar Eclipse from a couple of weeks ago.... in time lapsed photography. For those of us who missed going into the streets to witness.
  • Star Wars toys/products that were rejected for some reason. Not sure why the Taun Taun suit didn't make it! That's pretty cool!
Happy March - basketball and all the madness is right around the corner!

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