Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Making My "ToDo" List... Checking It Twice!!

So I hope you'll forgive the spotty postings lately. I leave Rochester in 7 days, leave the US in 9 days and my "todo" list only seems to be getting longer!

Of course, here are my American Idol (final 11) thoughts:

Theme Night was "The Beatles" after the supposed success of last week's Lennon/McCartney week. One of my first thought was all the amateurs are going to try to find the songs that only the Beatles can sing. And that thought came through as being the truth! I was less impressed this week than in the past.

Worthy of my vote:
David Cook - This guy could actually win this thing! I just want him to stick around long enough for someone to wash his hair before he goes on stage! I actually like the arrangement (thanks Whitesnake!)
Syesha - Not 100% on all the notes, but she sounded really good! A much stronger performance than she's had in a while. She actually got some really good feedback from the judges as well.

Somewhere in the Middle:
Brooke White - another example of a boring song that was cool when the Beatles did it, but just plain sucks for someone else to do. I think Brooke tried some acid before her performance in celebration of the night's Beatles theme.
David Only one "David" now that stripper boy is gone. He failed to "wow" anyone this week as in the pre-12 rounds.
Carly Smithson - she missed the high notes (lack of range) but her WAY over-tattooed husband was back in the audience;) Mr. No-emotions!!! The song is interesting, don't know if I've ever heard the whole thing, so here it is for your enjoyment. Yes, a song that only The Beatles (and maybe James Taylor??) can pull off on stage.
Jason Castro - another bad song that shouldn't have been tried. It was ok, but not the best of him and he needs to go back to being a top 3 contestant.
Michael Johns - Not sure what to think.... he'll stick around for a while, but it was a weak performance and eventually he won't be able to "squeak" by.
Chikezie - That was messed up. He better start taking this thing seriously with some better performances. The country thing is horrible for him!

My Bottom 3 Prediction:
Kristy Lee Cook - no matter how cute she looks, she really isn't in the same league as the rest of them in order to compete for the title. Her time is limited, but I don't think she should go home quite yet.
Ramiele - she gets worse every week! Don't think she has the maturity to stick around in this thing based on her pre-performance video she's like a 12 year old in the competition.
Amanda Overmyer - what a boring performance and yes, she's way past her time to go home. It's getting old and I still think she has a range of maybe 6 notes.

My parting thought from last night was that even though I feel the talent of the group for this season (I think they would make an awesome Chorus Line cast), I think the show overall is becoming a little predictable and less interesting. Why? The arguing between Simon and Paula is overkill.... the arguing between Simon and Ryan is old news and boring.... the booing of any judge coming up with "constructive criticism" is just stupid... the contestants still not having any self confidence at this point in the game is a little unusual (and scary cause you need it to win).

Another funny thing to point out. Has anyone seen Jim Cramer on CNBC late at night on "Mad Money" and his annoying yelling and "godlike" status with the money market? He is one person that needs to be kicked off of TV NOW!!!! Well here's a video that shows his style and how someone could be pretty wrong! Recent occurances with his show pre and post bear Stearns debacle are highlighted! I know we can't expect him to be perfect, but I just question the need for a show like this.... Even weather predictions aren't this far off!

Haiku of the Day
Traveling next week
Lots to do before I go
Need: Helper Monkey!!!

Entertainment of the Day - Sarah and I went to Horton Hears a Who which was actually pretty funny. I laughed a lot. Surprised at the use of the word "boob" and keeping it a G rating, but otherwise it's enjoyable. Sarah liked it too!

Weblink of the Day - Multi-athletic Parrot.... does more tricks than most of your kids!

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