Monday, March 31, 2008

Bags Are Packed

I have everything just about ready to go. A few more things to finalize tonight, but the boxes are ready to be shipped today (no, I'm not taking a ton of stuff, just some essentials like the Wii, some books, new socks, vitamins, blah blah blah....). The realization is here though that I'm not just going on a 1-2 week business trip!

More important than me leaving though....


Mom turns 30-ish today! She's enjoying the day down south with hopefully some better weather. "Winter Storm Warnings" here in Minnesota and Iowa:(

I was 3 for 4 in predicting the Final 4. I had Texas beating Memphis which of course was not even close:( And as long as Kansas beats UCLA in the final game next weekend, I'll win my tournaments that I've entered. There's still a chance!

Other TV things - Chikezie was sent home on AI. Interesting, but probably not way off target. Have to be strong every week (unless your name starts with "R" and rhymes with Ramiele). May have to recruit Sarah to do my weekly American Idol rankings for my blog when I get to Taiwan....

And Celebrity Apprentice is complete. After a commercial filled finale (about 40 minutes of the 2 hour finale was spent in commercials by my count), Peirs was announced as this year's winner. And rightfully so! I don't care that he's not "popular", but he did play the Apprentice game the way it's supposed to be played! I didn't like the US vs. Britain spin that they pushed it into, but the Finale was enjoyable with all the celebrity appearances (and lots of money being donated).

As for things left to pack - I'm in the process of updating my iPod to make sure I have 13.5 hours worth of entertainment for my flight. I have some books and headphones which is all I care about at this point.

Anyways - wanted to get a shout out today on my last day in Rochester!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

American Idol Day

So these American Idol reviews might be ending before the season is over with.... haven't figured out how I'm going to watch American Idol while in Taiwan:( Where there's a will - there's bound to be a way!

Was there a theme this week? "Songs that aren't on my iPod?" Remember that contestants end up in the bottom 3 if they sing Sting, The Police, Journey, Foreigner.... any of the sucky groups!

David Cook - Um... that was pretty kick ass. In a league of his own right now - was that a version previously released by some other band? But pulling out the MJ is worth a vote all by itself.

Syesha - I've thought she was good for a while and now that she's healthy.... LOOK OUT!!

Michael Johns - Well... it was honestly pretty good except for the fact that his range didn't control the song. Could feel it coming and sho'nuff, was a little flat on the last part but couldn't sing any higher.

David Archuleta - Despite singing the dumbest song of the night.... he's got a lot of fans voting for him. Not sure his voice would sell a lot of records though. I kind of agreed with Simon's comment "reminds me of a theme park".

Jason Castro - I hate the song, but thought his playing was ok. Nothing great, but not worth going home over.

Brooke White - oops, find the note BEFORE you play the first note. The piano part was honestly pretty crappy. I don't think she's very comfortable on stage so hides behind the piano...

Kristy Lee Cook - picked a sentimental song and was smart in doing so. Only thing missing is the Jet Flyby during the chorus.

Boring List
Carley Simon - if you're gonna sing Total Eclipz of the Heart at least sing the Old School version (rated R for "Really Good"!)

Chikezie - it was ok, he's trying to do the Ruben R&B sound, but isn't pulling it off very well. It was still better than the country Chikezie...

Ramiele - it was better than last week, but still pretty poor. She seems to be a "crowd favorite" though so is probably safer than I would hope for.

Carley might actually in trouble.... who knows at this point. The backup singers were pretty crappy though in my opinion last night. Vote them off! OHHHH - "songs from the year you were born" was the theme. So 1977 for me - I'd have sung I'm Your Boogie Man (KC and The Sunshine Band) or Sir Duke (Steview Wonder), maybe even Margaritaville (Buffet, not the rich one).

Thanks to all for a fun Happy Hour on Monday. Thanks to Jen for the organization efforts and the great cake!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Post Easter Fun

And another Easter has come and passed... Hopefully the Easter Bunny was nice to everyone!

Easter in Iowa was a good time. Sarah was able to join us, as was Grams. I think I have Grams's approval with the "new" girlfriend;) We dyed some eggs (a lot more colors available than when I was 8 years old) and even had a visit by the Easter Bunny!

Taiwan Travel Update: Now planning on flying across the pond on April 3rd. I have the big details figured out - now have a better Taiwan map which shows me my hotel (and other things to see in Taipei). I still need to figure out how to get to the IBM facility but I have 2 weeks to figure that out! But basically I'm back to a 10 day agenda for Rochester.

Speaking of flying - here's a cool webpage to help you decide where to book your seat on a plane: Seat Guru is a service that allows you to look up the plane by airline (even some flight numbers) and then gives comments on the different seating options on a plane. It's nice for international flights when one is trying to find a DC outlet, or if one wants to avoid the smelly bathrooms on an international 14 hour flight!! Bookmark it and use it whenever!

An interesting first weekend of the NCAA tournament. I'm in either 1st or 2nd in my 3 pools at this point with some good confidence going:) I picked Kansas to win it all, and I'm sticking with it! I'm a little disappointed in the poor showing by Drake (the only Iowa representative this year), but I'm also wondering if that is what having almost 2 weeks off does to a team?? I'm sure you could over analyze it, but I do think that having the conference tournament early like Missouri Valley Conference does.... I have 24 of the first 32 teams picked correctly, and 11 of the Sweet 16 picked correctly. 6 of my 8 still left and all 4 of my final 4 left! Not too bad this year.

Caught up on Celebrity Apprentice (although there wasn't much to this past week's episode). The final two are Trace Adkins and Piers Morgan - two different styles but both worthy of winning this thing. My money is still on Piers (as it has been ever since Gene Simmons was told to go home). I did think that the manner in which they used to dismiss Carol and Lennox was pretty dumb. Bringing in Jim Cramer is always bad for ratings in my opinion.

And finally - for the Rochester folks.... big happy hour tonight (friendly reminder)! Let me know if you need the details! Thanks again to Jen for setting it all up:)

Haiku of the Day
How's your Mandarin?
Learning by CD is hard!
Visual Learner:(

Entertainment of the Day - So with the change in itinerary, I also had a seat change on my 13 hour flight - to one that does NOT have an electrical connection:( So I'm trying to figure out what music to bring on the iPod to make the trip go by faster! I'm also going to search for "things to do" at Barnes and Noble this week. I have my Rubik's cube ready for the trip so that should entertain me for a while.

Weblink of the Day - Celebrate Easter with Strong Bad!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dancin' Machine

So of all the references you'll hear today to "The Big Dance" or "March Madness", this will be the only one that pulls out some MC Hammer:

Ah the memories!!

My picks are in, no big upsets really in my bracket - as usual - keeps me top 10% most years with a shot at winning it! It's the way I roll....

BIG NEWS: Amanda goes home on AI - as predicted here. Carley in the bottom 3? America really doesn't like Blackbirds I guess.

BIGGER NEWS: This week's The Moment of Truth was yet another over-hype. Getting frustrated... this week's contestant had racy questions, but answered them all "safe" in terms of morale until she got to the question "have you ever slept with someone to get ahead" or something like that which she said "no" and it was determined that it was a deceptive answer.

BIGGEST NEWS: Party's still on for next week, but my travel to Taiwan was delayed a week. Too much "fun" around here with work to go right now. More updates later but we're back to 14 days till departure date.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Making My "ToDo" List... Checking It Twice!!

So I hope you'll forgive the spotty postings lately. I leave Rochester in 7 days, leave the US in 9 days and my "todo" list only seems to be getting longer!

Of course, here are my American Idol (final 11) thoughts:

Theme Night was "The Beatles" after the supposed success of last week's Lennon/McCartney week. One of my first thought was all the amateurs are going to try to find the songs that only the Beatles can sing. And that thought came through as being the truth! I was less impressed this week than in the past.

Worthy of my vote:
David Cook - This guy could actually win this thing! I just want him to stick around long enough for someone to wash his hair before he goes on stage! I actually like the arrangement (thanks Whitesnake!)
Syesha - Not 100% on all the notes, but she sounded really good! A much stronger performance than she's had in a while. She actually got some really good feedback from the judges as well.

Somewhere in the Middle:
Brooke White - another example of a boring song that was cool when the Beatles did it, but just plain sucks for someone else to do. I think Brooke tried some acid before her performance in celebration of the night's Beatles theme.
David Only one "David" now that stripper boy is gone. He failed to "wow" anyone this week as in the pre-12 rounds.
Carly Smithson - she missed the high notes (lack of range) but her WAY over-tattooed husband was back in the audience;) Mr. No-emotions!!! The song is interesting, don't know if I've ever heard the whole thing, so here it is for your enjoyment. Yes, a song that only The Beatles (and maybe James Taylor??) can pull off on stage.
Jason Castro - another bad song that shouldn't have been tried. It was ok, but not the best of him and he needs to go back to being a top 3 contestant.
Michael Johns - Not sure what to think.... he'll stick around for a while, but it was a weak performance and eventually he won't be able to "squeak" by.
Chikezie - That was messed up. He better start taking this thing seriously with some better performances. The country thing is horrible for him!

My Bottom 3 Prediction:
Kristy Lee Cook - no matter how cute she looks, she really isn't in the same league as the rest of them in order to compete for the title. Her time is limited, but I don't think she should go home quite yet.
Ramiele - she gets worse every week! Don't think she has the maturity to stick around in this thing based on her pre-performance video she's like a 12 year old in the competition.
Amanda Overmyer - what a boring performance and yes, she's way past her time to go home. It's getting old and I still think she has a range of maybe 6 notes.

My parting thought from last night was that even though I feel the talent of the group for this season (I think they would make an awesome Chorus Line cast), I think the show overall is becoming a little predictable and less interesting. Why? The arguing between Simon and Paula is overkill.... the arguing between Simon and Ryan is old news and boring.... the booing of any judge coming up with "constructive criticism" is just stupid... the contestants still not having any self confidence at this point in the game is a little unusual (and scary cause you need it to win).

Another funny thing to point out. Has anyone seen Jim Cramer on CNBC late at night on "Mad Money" and his annoying yelling and "godlike" status with the money market? He is one person that needs to be kicked off of TV NOW!!!! Well here's a video that shows his style and how someone could be pretty wrong! Recent occurances with his show pre and post bear Stearns debacle are highlighted! I know we can't expect him to be perfect, but I just question the need for a show like this.... Even weather predictions aren't this far off!

Haiku of the Day
Traveling next week
Lots to do before I go
Need: Helper Monkey!!!

Entertainment of the Day - Sarah and I went to Horton Hears a Who which was actually pretty funny. I laughed a lot. Surprised at the use of the word "boob" and keeping it a G rating, but otherwise it's enjoyable. Sarah liked it too!

Weblink of the Day - Multi-athletic Parrot.... does more tricks than most of your kids!

Monday, March 17, 2008


Have a happy happy St. Patty's Day.... from Sarah and I (I'm the one with the better hair).

I'm flying home Monday morning - be back online (and caught up) on Tuesday!

Friday, March 14, 2008

A Momentous Holiday

Today is March 14th. You could write that as 3-14, or 3.14.... so yeah, today has multiple celebrations! First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUANITA!!! I won't forget this year (as in years past). Second, HAPPY PI DAY! Since I'm in Chicago, I brought in pie yesterday for celebration. Pi = (roughly) 3.14 so if you're still not catching on, skip ahead.

Today is also Steak and BJ Day! For those who don't know, you're missing out! If you want the explanation in a non-PG format, click here.

Other non-holiday thoughts:

Iowa State's men's basketball season has ended.... not the worst season ever, but certainly room for improvement. USC still looks good - Tim Floyd probably headed back to the big dance with his new team. I wish him well......

Stephen Baldwin (the youngest of the 4) was fired from Celebrity Apprentice last night. Probably the best choice for the weakest candidate by Trump (more Ivanka than it was Donald) to go to the final 4. My bet is on Piers at this point but I'm not counting anyone else out. Still been an entertaining show.

And if you can't get enough of the Spitzer case.... Miss "Kristen" has been found and is all over the internet. That's a pretty weak name as a prostitute in my opinion. Should have gone with "Sugar" or "Candy" like the rest of them. But the Smoking Gun provides plenty of pictures of her to get her name (and face) out there on the web. Already seen her photos in some of the "friend finder" advertisements that you see from time to time. Funny how fast word travels thanks to the internet....

Cold is getting much better. Just in time for some fun St. Patty's Day celebrations tomorrow! I'm in Chicago for the weekend with Miss Sarah (she says "Hi"). Hopefully the March Thaw continues with this beautiful weather. Just in time for me to go overseas!

Have a great weekend! Drink all the green stuff you can!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I Am The Walrus!!

First off - congrats to Nate and Martine on the arrival of a son Caleb!

It's been a bad week for people with a "shady" past....
  • New York Governor Spitzer (as in "Spitzer Swollows") has to resign after $80,000 was spent on prostitutes!?!?!?! That's a lot of cash to spend on a prostitution fetish... Again, proves that those in government live at a financial level not reflective of the bulk of the people they are supposed to represent.
  • David Hernandez was "stripped" of his chance to win Idol last night! But by the fans of course, not by getting booted off by producers.
  • Bob Knight was on ESPN doing basketball analysis. Hopefully it's his last time doing so as he looked extremely uncomfortable and bored. Definitely not his specialty, so why force him?
But back to Idol... I enjoyed the McCartney/Lennon theme this week. They really did write a lot of good songs - both on the lyrics and the themes. Some of this week's arrangements were cool (Eleanor Rigby was kick ass), some unusual (either of the country versions) but nobody stepped up to do I AM THE EGGMAN!!! I AM THE WALRUS!!! If you think the song is weird, check out the video! Try telling me there were no drugs involved in the filming of this video!

I'd easily be the one going home after singing that song, but it'd be fun! That's for sure.....

I'm on my way to Chicago tonight to celebrate St. Patrick's Day Weekend with Sarah! Lots of green festivities (green as in the color of beer, not as in environmentally friendly) are planned with hopefully some fun pictures to share with everyone.

Iowa State plays tonight for their final chance to get into the big dance next week. Well, they'll have to win for the next 4 days, but miracles CAN happen this time of year. Otherwise it looks like Drake?!?! will be the only Iowa school represented this year. Interesting..... My money for now is still on Kansas - I think they're that good this year. But we'll see what happens in the Big 12 tournament this weekend. Hopefully an ISU victory over Kansas is in the cards somewhere....

Don't forget to pull the steaks out to thaw for tomorrow!

Haiku of the Day
"The Moment of Truth"
Is starting to disappoint
Fox can do better!!!

Entertainment of the Day - Being sick and at home yesterday allowed me to watch a LOT of movies.... first up was No Country for Old Men. NOT at all the movie I was expecting. It was pretty good actually. Worthy of the Oscar? Not sure, but I haven't seen all of the movies yet. I don't think it was written to win the Oscar like some movies are - maybe why I actually liked it! I did think Javier Bardem's performance (won for best supporting actor) was awesome!

Weblink of the Day - And with Easter on the way, I get lots of folks reminding me of my own shady past.... I no longer like Peeps ever since the infamous Peeps' Challenge - but here are some funny Peeps experiments to see the real effects of Smoking and Alcohol!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Let the American Idol Games Begin

I've managed to pick up the flu that's going around. Nice way to spend the final 2 weeks here in Rochester!!! And my latest thought is to start my own computer fixing company here in Rochester. That way when one of these doctors from Mayo calls me and says his computer is sick and needs help, I can give him/her the response of "just wait it out a couple of days... call me back if it gets worse". Then slap a $100+ bill down to be paid - of course a return trip in "a couple of days" will also cost $100+..... lovely.

Sorry for the break in blogs lately. Hopefully my millions (AND MILLIONS) of fans understand the amount of #@$* on my "todo" list for the next 2 weeks. We'll get through it though.

American Idol top 12! This is probably one of the better top 12 I can remember. There's really nobody out there that we're all itching to go home so the real talent can compete (think of "Chicken Little" or Sanjaya). A well matched group to this point but yes - someone has to go home every week. Which also means we're 11 long weeks from deciding this thing. My list for last night's performance only:
  1. Chikezie - that was cool (little awkward at first) and he looked natural up there
  2. David Cook - another one who finally looked comfortable with being a finalist
  3. Carly Smithson - her lack of range (a true alto range) will be her downfall
  4. Brooke White - probably the strongest of the girls overall in talent.... the "Hollywood" makeover makes her more appeasing too than before.
  5. Michael Johns - Didn't think it was too bad
  6. Jason Castro - Still think he looks like John Travolta - needs to get confident one of these days
  7. David Hernandez - Probably would perform better with a stripper's pole on stage
  8. Kristy Lee Cook - Despite what the judges think, I believe there to be enough country fans out there that will vote for her
  9. Amanda Overmyer - her voice already annoys me. Part of her performance reminded me of Rosanne singing the national anthem for some reason....
  10. Syesha - not good, also has the bad position of going first.... could be trouble
  11. Ramiele - that was boring
  12. David Archuleta - easily the worst performance of the night, but he won't go home.
So if I had my vote, Amanda would go home. If I predict of which contestant goes home based on the game that is American Idol..... I think Syesha could go home, as could David Hernandez.

As for the election results from Mississippi last night - no surprise there! Obama wins another state, a few extra delegates.... make sure you also realize that even though Hilary "won" Texas last week, they both took home the same amount of delegates.... Obama currently leads the results of the Texas Caucus. It's a messed up system!

Haiku of the Day
I hate being sick
I'd rather play a game of
"Kick me in the nuts"

Entertainment of the Day
- If you enjoyed the Bourne Movies, you'll enjoy this new one coming out in the series!!

Weblink of the Day - What everyone wants for their next birthday! Ahhhhh - the memories of the 80s (and 90s!!!). Yes, that is Carlton Banks from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.... wonder where he is now?

Monday, March 10, 2008

A Weekend Wrap (no rap)

We're over the 30,000 viewers for my blog!!! I'll make it to the big league one of these days!!

Weekend summary:
  • Concerts in La Crosse - my last one for a while. We had the Young Artists Concerto Competition winners playing with us - one pianist playing Beethoven Piano Concert #5, and a flute player playing a piece by Ibert. Also played some modern stuff by Kodaly and Ginastera that the audience loved, bass part was pretty boring. No tears were shed for my final performance under our current conductor.
  • Another win by Obama in Wyoming - "Pledged" delegate lead back to 138 votes (depending on which page you go to). The whole SuperDelegate thing is going to get interesting (and nasty) here pretty quick! Also, look to see what Michigan and Florida do to become part of the mess. Next vote is tomorrow in Mississippi, THEN nothing till April 22 (that is 42 days of no updates but constant over-analysis and bickering by all)!! Anyone else think that the process needs to be changed?
  • No backflips from Sunday's NASCAR race (I believe you need a transmission to finish the race.... although they did look like they were going to push the 99 for another 80 laps). Just a lot of bi**hing about tires, etc. NASCAR drivers are starting to sound like NBA players with all of their constant complaining about rules, etc. A win for a Toyota car to make things more interesting for the sport.
  • March Madness starts next week. Some good conference tournament games this week/weekend though! Cyclones need a miracle win to continue playing. They had some decent showings in the last few weeks (most of them losses, but at least were competitive).
  • I'll be in Chicago this weekend - watching the parade and the green dye being dumped in the river! Expect lots of fun pictures from Sarah and I!
  • Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions are tonight in NYC - inductions include Leonard Cohen (originator of the song "Hallelujah" that was just done on American Idol), The Dave Clark Five (not to be confused with Dick Clark Five.... meaning 5 decades he's been doing the New Years thing in Times Square), John Mellencamp (not to be confused with John Cougar Mellencamp... that was SOOOOO 1990), and MADONNA! Madonna in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Let you think about that one for a while......
Taiwan date approaches! I'm flying over the pond in 17 days:( So much to do so little time......

Haiku of the Day -
More snow yesterday
This is getting old real fast
The 40s this week!!!!

Entertainment of the Day - I watched Beowulf this weekend. What a dumb movie! It was this CGI based off of real actors thing that just didn't do it for me. Not quite like Shrek, but not a real movie either. Pretty much just another dragon fighting movie that wasn't very good.

Weblink of the Day
- An interesting page on the Penny Pyramid Project... make sure you click on the youtube video on how he constructed the mammoth thing! My thought was how much the whole thing weighed when they were done!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

PSA - More Changes in Life

Sorry for the gaps in blogs this week..... you'll soon know why I have had very little "free" time as of late.

No, today's "change" does not refer to any of the following:
  • Sarah and I are just fine - no "announcement" though like some of you are asking for
  • Not thrilled, but not overly worried about Tuesday's voting results.... just have to sit back and wait to see how this all sorts out.
  • American Idol - soon down to final 12! A healthy group this year (pretty open in my opinion). You could argue if some of the contestants are auditioning on the incorrect evening but whatever....
  • Brett Favre..... so long. His retirement makes Minnesota a contender for the division again!! Can they get Sage out of Houston????
  • The Moment of Truth is strangely addictive... but last night's show was WAY over-hyped.
No, today's Announcement ("old" news for some) has to do with my future...

I've accepted a work assignment to live in Taiwan (known to some as "Taiwanol") for 18 months.


Yeah, I'm moving to Taiwan to live and work for an 18 month assignment. Don't worry, my blog will still be active (hopefully more than this week) from over there. It's time for a change anyways;) It's something I've always wanted to do - and the timing is right for me.... kind of;)

So here's the questions I usually get asked:

Q: Where is Taiwan? Is that China?
Short answer: It's an island (about the size of Indiana.... with a lot more people and a lot less corn) off the coast of Mainland China. It's the island to the east of China, but south of Japan. Here's a map! And they are part of the Republic of China - more on that at a later date.

Q: Do they speak Chinese?
Yes - Mandarin Chinese (national language) is the main language taught in schools. Mandarin is a pain to learn (I'm still trying to graduate through chapter 1). English is common among the business people (and others) - so there's hope for me yet!

Q: Are you selling your place?
No - unless you're offering $200k+???? Everything has it's price! No renters either.... long decision process but I believe to be the correct one.

Q: When do you leave?
Just booked my trip this morning - I fly across the pond on March 27 (3 weeks from today).

Q: What's the story with Sarah then?
Sarah (the greatest girlfriend in the world) will be coming with me at a future date.... gonna be a tough start to be away from her but we'll make it!

Q: If Sarah comes over, are you getting married in Taiwan?
No.... I believe Sarah's answer was "Hell No" for clarification

Q: Do they eat cats there?
No.... no dogs are eaten either

Q: Are you painting yourself gold and impersonating Buddha when you get there?
Tempting.... Might get me a better price on things!

Q: Nervous?
For someone that really doesn't get nervous for anything.... kind of! Booking a one-way plane ticket will do that to you though.

Q: Do you get to come home at all?
Yup - stay tuned for when!

Q: Do you have all of your shots before you leave?
Mom - as I've told you every time we talk on the phone, Mayo Clinic says I don't need any shots..... I'll tell you again next time we chat:)

So that's all for today:) Send me any questions and I'll post more. I'll make all of you feel like you're living in Taiwan over the next 18 months with pictures, videos, updates, stories, etc.

Haiku of the Day
Big man in Taipei
Life as an ex-patriot
No, not like Stallworth

Entertainment of the Day - Haven't really talked about the concert from last weekend.... Kahn and I went to see the Boomin Beyond Measure tour at the Target Center. Nice Christian Rock concert! Jeremy Camp is the Alternative/Rock performance and was quite enjoyable, TobyMac (of DC Talk fame) was quite good as well with more R&B/Rock mix. My thoughts from the show were:
  • Toby's 43 years old now.... acts a little "thugish" for a 43 year old but is still enjoyable.
  • Target Center SUCKS for concerts if you're not in the front row for U2 concerts;) This one was probably the worst for sound in my opinion (yes - worse than Dave)
  • Lots of High School kids in the audience.... and all with cell phones. Some paid money to come to the concert to text their friends 99% of the time!
  • Family friendly show for obvious reasons.... still a good time and good show despite not having the usual rock concert swearing, etc.

Weblink of the Day - A link that tells quite the story.... with little else to be said.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Random Links

Since I haven't had a lot of time this morning to put some serious thought into today's blog - here are a bunch of links that made me laugh over the weekend.

  • Predictions from 1900 Ladies Home Journal that would happen in the next 100 years (click to zoom in)
  • Ignore the "Doom" or whatever shooting aspects, but here's a first person interpretation of Super Mario Brothers (the 1st one that all of us know and love). Would be cooler if you could see jumping on the turtle/shroom guys.
  • Total Lunar Eclipse from a couple of weeks ago.... in time lapsed photography. For those of us who missed going into the streets to witness.
  • Star Wars toys/products that were rejected for some reason. Not sure why the Taun Taun suit didn't make it! That's pretty cool!
Happy March - basketball and all the madness is right around the corner!