Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Couple of Random Thoughts

World Series starts tomorrow... I'm excited but then again, I always enjoy watching the World Series, no matter who's playing. I know a lot of folks hate baseball calling it boring or slow, but try to watch the World Series.... so much tension on every pitch! Listen to the home crowd when their team hits a home run. The Super Bowl doesn't have near the excitement from the crowd (mainly because it's a neutral site filled with celebrities and non-die hards). Not the case with the World Series. I know the ratings will be low since it's Colorado in the final match up this season, but I'll still be watching. The only bad thing about the World Series is that Joe Buck calls the games on Fox (with his toupee.... seriously, anyone else wonder if that thing's real??). And Fox sucks for baseball coverage. And since Fox covers the games, my TV viewing for Sunday evenings takes a 2 week break (Family Guy, Simpsons, American Dad).

Thanks for all the assistance yesterday - I finally found a method of getting DVDs to my iPod. Final size of SuperTroopers - 435 MB and it looks great on my iPod!!! Let me know if you want to know the FREE method of getting it on there. Requires DVD Decrypter and this Jodix Free Converter. Neither one is "trial" basis or leaves a watermark on my video either! Next up, U2 Vertigo concert....

Fires in California are kind of scary. Don't have these problems in Minnesota during Monsoon season!!! We're just trying to stay afloat over here!

Peyton didn't score enough touchdowns last night (one more may have done it) so I'm now 2-5 in my Fantasy league... but I'm optimistic this week with some good matchups! Pretty pathetic when my high scorer from last week was my kicker (Josh Brown of Seattle). Interesting that there's a football game being played in London between Miami and the NY Giants. Also interesting that the flight from NY to London is actually shorter than NY to San Diego or Seattle.

In case you were wondering.... Canada is not considered "America v2.0 to the North" in IBM's terms. My "Univeral All" access doesn't work at IBM Canada (confirmed last month while in Toronto) and now I find out that I can't send packages internally like I would to the rest of the US sites. Oh well, just an extra step to get things there.

Sarah's birthday tomorrow! No shovels (I'll save that for Valentine's Day) and I actually think I did well this year:) I'll be there tomorrow night late so we'll see how well she thinks I did for presents.

Haiku of the Day
Fires in Cali
Brian is safe as can be!!
"Burn Mother F***er....."

BURN!!! (Yeah, I had the Bloodhound Gang playing this past weekend)

Entertainment of the Day - I FINALLY watched Aqua Teen Hunger Force Something Something The Movie. If you're a fan of ATHF, it's pretty funny. If you've never even heard of it, don't bother watching it and starting with the movie. Appearances by the Mooninites and Oglethorp/Emory are pretty funny!

Weblink of the Day - Beer Pong Madness.... this guy has some good skills!

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