I also heard that this Saturday will mark the US Celebration of "Sweetest Day".... wondering what that is? So was I so I looked (on Wikipedia of course):
Sweetest Day is an observance celebrated primarily in the Great Lakes region and parts of the Northeast United States on the third Saturday in October. It is described by Retail Confectioners International, as "much more important for candymakers in some regions than in others and an "occasion which offers all of us an opportunity to remember not only the sick, aged and orphaned, but also friends, relatives and associates whose helpfulness and kindness we have enjoyed." Sweetest Day has also been referred to as a "concocted promotion" created by the candy industry solely to increase sales of candy.I tend to agree with the last statement. As if having Halloween Candy around this whole month (including those damn candy pumpkins that are impossible to say "no" to when it's 99 cents per bag.... costing you NOT to get them! So more candy for those with the sweet tooth! Good luck with that.
As for last weekend.... I'm still in shock at the slashing given to Iowa State by the Longhorns. We'll see how bad we play against Oklahoma this weekend since they beat the Longhorns already and look to be the team to beat in the Big 12. I'm afraid..... But congrats to Rachael and her Kentucky Wildcats with a great upset of LSU!!! I am actually looking for an Ohio State loss so all of the "normal" teams in the top of college football will all have a loss. Any thing that points out the faults of the BCS system are welcomed in my book!!! Hopefully ISU can pull off a miracle run here and make the Big 12 title game and still have a shot at making it to the BCS!!! Yeah right....
I did get my butt kicked in Fantasy Football as well. That's what happens when your opponent has both Adrian Peterson of the Vikings (224 yards rushing, 3 TD) AND Tomlinson (198 yard rushing, 4TD). I have no chance after 85 some points scored with those two alone!! Oh well - I'm NOT in last place and that's what I was aiming for.
Other things to note? I'll be in Chicago next week starting Wednesday night (Sarah's Birthday) to celebrate with her. Concert this weekend (more tomorrow or Thursday on that) in La Crosse... first one for the 2007-2008 season and it should be a fun one. I get to do bird whistles possibly:) Colorado sweeps into the World Series.... Go Cleveland now!
That's all i have today.... want to get this posted before noon so some people can still enjoy it! Have a great Boss's Day!!!
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