Friday, February 02, 2007

Super Groundhog Day

Rise and shine, campers, and don't forget your booties 'cause it's cooooold out there today!!
It's cold out there every day. What is this, Miami Beach?
Not hardly. So the big question on everybody's lips.
On their chapped lips
Their chapped lips is, does Phil feel lucky? Punksatawney Phil, thats right wood chuck chuckers its.....


This morning Punxsutawney Phil did NOT see his shadow today so we can supposedly expect an early spring. I guess this morning is probably too soon as it was -8 degrees on my way in. The boogers are still freezing as Calvin put it. Let's hope Phil is correct!

Super Bowl is Sunday - so the anticipation of the best Bud Light commercials, or the surprise of the evening, increases! As for the game? Hmmm.... I am usually wrong for the Super Bowl so if I pick the Colts, it'll be the Bears. Colts win.

So after the terrorist scare in Boston this week, more and more people are hearing about Aqua Teen Hunger Force. This is a little known secret on the Cartoon Network that my old roommate Adam got me addicted to. Little Err and Ignignokt characters running around causing terror (just how they would really want it being from the Moon and all). ATHF is worth the 10 minutes every night so start setting your TiVos and DVRs. Err is one of my favorites!

Busy morning today so I'm cutting it short.... HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!


Jill said...

Happy Groundhog Day, Adam!!! You should try to find the interviews of those 2 who were in charge of placing those devices around Boston. They were interviewed after entering their plea and to avoid speaking about their charges they focused on hairstyles of the past! Pretty arrogant and if I were a Bostonian hung up due to there mayhem, I'd be pissed...but I had to laugh a bit!

Anonymous said...

How could you talk about the superbowl & not mention Prince at halftime?

The perfect situation would be having Urlacher take out Manning during the first series & have the Colt's backup win the game. That way the bears would lose and Manning wouldn't win it even thought he'd get a ring. As a Viking fan I won't be able to handle the Bears as SB champs in the NFC North next year.

Chad said...

Having lived in Boston for a couple of years, I'm actually a little relieved and encouraged that Boston officials responded with such scrutiny to the Aqua Teen Hunger Force publicity stunt. This from the same city that thought it would be a fantastic idea to try to bury all of it's highways below ground in what will be remembered in U.S. history as the biggest city planning debacle ever.