Thursday, February 15, 2007

Random Thoughts

  • How sick is everyone already with the continued (and seemingly never ending) news coverage on Anna Nicole? You know it's a slow news day/week/month when she's still dominating the headlines. Only Princess Di news lingered longer - and that was much more justified in my opinion.
  • We finally got the snow they were expecting - yesterday during class. Funny to watch the varying reactions from the folks here. Those of us from the North didn't even flinch.... the peers that are from the south began to worry and wondered how they were going to get home. One girl was terrified to walk home because she's never walked on snow before.
  • American Idol is down to 24 now. I did watch last night and honestly, the middle round is the one that bores me the most. Oh what happened to Chicken Lady and Red?????
  • Obama is officially running but hasn't taken charge of the Democratic race yet. I'm sure I'll have a comment or two more as the next year moves on. I still think it's too early to be doing this election crap again but whatever.

Gotta run - but wanted to check in this morning and see how everyone ended up for Valumtime's Day!!! Anyone get a shovel?

Have a great Day! Tomorrow's Friday! Daytona 500 this weekend... who's your favorite?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping Junior wins this weekend, but really just hope a non-Hendrick car wins.