And from the inside of the elevator, it looks like this:
So my goal for today is to try and figure out what the advertisers were really thinking when they put together this advertising (poster? campaign?). Yes, I was in the elevator for a while trying to get "the perfect shot" of the donkeys and I'm sure the people that entered the elevator (with me not getting off on that floor) and rode with me (with me not getting off on the new floor either) had no idea what I was truly after here. Remember that I'm at a Hampton Inn and Suites - so I'll try to bridge the gap between "donkeys" and "hotel".
- The first (and somewhat obvious) thing that comes to mind is a religious symbol. When Christ entered this world, according to the Gospels there "was no room at the Hampton Inn and Suites of Bethlehem" so Jesus was actually born in the stable with two donkeys on a paved road watching the birth of our Savior. As for the "Road Warriors" part of the slogan? Hmmmm.... doesn't work so much. Next one:
- Donkeys are known as being an animal that can ride for a long time and never have to stop. So they're in the middle of the desert as "Road Warriors" on a road trip to the International Star Trek for Donkeys Convention in Vegas - but even Donkeys need a place to sleep. So they stay at the Hampton Inn and Troughs built especially for two donkeys.
- Donkeys are the "ugly step child" when compared to the princely horse... so maybe they are implying that the Hampton Inn is perfectly acceptable for all of us that feel like an "ugly step child" no matter when in our lives.
- Donkeys have large ears that help them hear distant calls of fellow donkeys (I seriously didn't make that one up though) - so when you go see your fellow donkeys, stay at the Hampton Inn.
- The ass was a symbol of the Greek god Dionysus, particularly in relationship to his companion, Silenus. So by offering the pair of donkeys, the creators of this campaign want everyone to think of their ancient Greek history and bring their "companions" to Hampton Inns. If you do ever get in an elevator and see this picture of the donkeys, please please PLEASE strike up conversation with the person in the elevator with you and say "this picture reminds me of the ancient symbol of the Greek god Dionysus and Silenus". See if that gets the girls to stop by your hotel room later!
- Again, another religious reference - donkey ownership is often shown as a sign of God's blessing. It was a status to ride a donkey like today's Cadillac Escalade - especially if you were of wealth. So Hampton Inn considers themselves "twice blessed" with the two donkeys in the middle of nowhere. Too bad the beds are still too small to fit two people in, let alone two donkeys. Although the donkeys in the same room might make the 10:00 news!
- European folklore claims that the tail of a donkey can be used to combat whooping cough or scorpion stings! I think this is the real one! If you're in the desert and you get stung by a scorpion (happens more than you think) - you can either look for two donkeys, cut off their tail, and figure out what that buys you.... or find the closest Hampton Inn and Suites and ask for medical ASSistance... and a bed. Look into the complementary breakfast as well.
- BTW - did you realize that there are no actual donkeys in the video game "Donkey Kong"? Now my head really hurts trying to figure all these things out!
- My last submission for now: I believe the road is outside of Bakersfield, CA implying that anyone that moves to Bakersfield from Iowa is a sucker and an ASS! Just a hunch!
Haiku of the Day BY SPECIAL REQUEST:
She may be Psycho
but wants to look just like me
Oh Britney............. CALL ME!!!!
Entertainment of the Day - I'm so behind in watching movies from this trip. My list is growing and growing. I usually have ESPN on the TV while I'm working from the room (I get that from my Dad who is an ESPN ADDICT!! You should look into rehab like the Hollywood folks do for their problems!) and there's a basketball commercial that plays the Lacrimosa from Mozart's Requiem Mass. I enjoy the attempt at cross culturizing the hip-hop world of Basketball and the Classical World, but I don't like how edited the song is to make it fit in 30 seconds. So I listened to the unedited version tonight and feel much more satisfied.
Weblink of the Day - The only movie you need to worry about seeing in 2007! This might be the single greatest moment in the history of the evolution of the human race!!!! Rumor has it that EVERY SINGLE person who has ever been on the show will be in the movie in some regard!
I had a feeling you wouldn't be able to resist taking a picture of the donkeys and showing them to us. Nice pair of asses. Cool...gsexy is the word verification i have to enter too. Gee, I'm sexy.
Hmmm, funny no one thought I was a sucker or an ASS when it was below zero for two weeks in Iowa. I can handle being called a lot of names as long as I get go to work in the morning without the need for a coat.
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