Friday, December 29, 2006

So Long 2006!!

Happy Birthday to Drewbie!!! He seems to think his birthday gets lost in the shuffle between Christmas and New Years so everyone make a mental note to tell him Happy Birthday (it's technically tomorrow but nobody's working tomorrow.... heck! Nobody's working today). With the reduction in work force this week, my 7:00 arrival gets the first VIP spot in the parking lot! Makes it look like I was here before 6:30 to get that spot!! Drew - you share your birthday with Tiger Woods (Tiger Woods Y'all!) AND LaBron James. And your buddy Kerry Collins who was the greatest quarterback ever for your Oakland Raiders. Oh, and Davy Jones (from the Monkees).

It's the wrap up of 2006. It's scary to think how long ago the "90's" were at this point and only getting worse. With 2007 on the horizon, I reflect at the things I have learned in 2006:
  • 14 Hour Plane rides should be outlawed in the Human Bill of Rights
  • The Book is always better than the movie (2006 examples of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, The Da Vinci Code, among others) .... I challenge you to find me one example to contradict this
  • GroundHog Day might now be my favorite holiday of the year
  • Award Show Season might be more official than "Winter" now adays
  • A Shovel is probably not the best Valentine's Day Gift (no, I didn't ask for it back but thanks for all the support and suggestions that I should have gotten it back!)
  • Rochester now has Jimmy Johns, and a Little Caesars, but still lacks a Hardees, a Rocky Rococo or Pizzario Uno - goals for 2007!
  • NASCAR is still the longest sports season known to human kind
  • I was not the official "Donkey Dong" from earlier in the year.
  • Giving up Alcohol AND Caffeine for lent is a bad idea. Not sure how you pregnant women can handle it for that long!
  • Cops hate me and refuse to give me a warning. I must not be wearing a low enough cut shirt or something!
  • Chuck Norris' dog is trained to pick up his own poop because Chuck Norris does not take sh!t from anyone!
  • Someone still thinks that Ashley (aka "TipDrill" has my phone number.... I do get some humorous calls now and then when they're not expecting a guy to answer her phone.
  • Life is better with Cingular... just wish I could get my Answer Tones to work correctly
  • Gas companies are the devil
  • Even a change of most of his cabinet doesn't make Bush any less of an idiot
  • Every song could use more cowbell!
  • Disco is making a strong comeback! Wait for it.... wait for it....
  • Many many babies born in 2006.... and I'm sure many many more in the next year (none for me!!)
  • Living alone for the first time ever has its advantages... I still miss ya Adam!
  • Elvis gets cooler every year that passes...
  • I smell Shenanigans!!!
  • It is very hard to be a Cyclone fan with years such as this one past.... only room to improve in 2007!
  • Indian women are very pretty.... and hitting on Sid's sister in front of Sid is a lot of fun!
  • Vegas and California are fun places to go visit. Vegas is a totally different place to visit when you're single vs being in a relationship!
  • Goodbye and Thanks again to Andre Agassi for many memories and inspiration to me as a kid growing up wanting to be like him.
  • Management causes a lot less free time in my life during the day. It also only gets easier with time.
  • Christmas decorations and shopping starts earlier every year.... expect it to start shortly after Easter in 2007!
  • Being Single is much less stressful than being in a relationship:) C'est la vie!
Happy New Years to everyone!!! I'll be back on here in 2007 for my annual New Years Resolutions (are you ready with yours?)

Song of the Day - For Drew, I will listen to Metallica today. Drew is one of the bigger Metallica fans I have ever known. He wanted to name his son "Lars" but Kristi didn't go for that one. I suggested "Hetfield" as a unique tribute in a name but that suggestion didn't make it too far either. We like "Joey" all the same!

Video of the Day - I watched Jackass 2 yesterday and it's even funnier than the first one. Part of that might also be because it's not on TV anymore so it's been a long while since I've seen the Jackass crew do their stupid stunts. It was pretty funny and there are a lot of snakes in there for those of you who don't like snakes (not me anymore!)

Webpage of the Day - Some random webpage with "50 Things We Know Now (That We Didn't Know This Time Last Year)". Interesting read if you're bored.


Anonymous said...

I think The Godfather movie might be better than the book.

Anonymous said...

Nice list!! Hope you are feeling better :) From your little friend at the cabin!

Unknown said...

Movie that was better than book:

1) The Godfather (earlier poster was
2) The Shawshank Redemption
Based on a Stephen King short
story, and probably my favorite

3) Jaws