Monday, December 04, 2006

Monday Ramblings

So before I go on, I will be the first to admit that I was pretty worthless this past weekend. After reading today's blog, most of you will make the same conclusion. I'm not in denial!

I'm a Wii "Pro" at WiiSports (the free game that came with it). Funny thing is, I have beaten the system and am at the pro level (1000 points) without leaving the couch. There are still arm movements required in the new technique, but not nearly as much as initially thought. The competition is a lot more challenging as you move up on the skill level with the game. Tennis they start adding a lot of spin (and speed)... Baseball they actually don't swing on every pitch that I throw them and the computer also refuses to throw me strikes knowing I'm going to hit it out of the ball park if it does.... Bowling doesn't really add any challenges, but you have to maintain a 180+ average to keep at the Pro level. Then there's golf..... which I love because all of the holes are throw back holes from the original Golf game (starring Mario of course) that I played a TON as a kid. It's neat to play the same holes with a little more interaction.

So yes, I did more than play video games this weekend! I rearranged my bedroom (including a new TV Stand) and watched a lot of football. Beginning with USC/UCLA! Wow, didn't see that one coming. I was also glad to see Oklahoma beat Nebraska because the BCS has enough issues - trying to fit Nebraska as the lone Big 12 representative wouldn't help the situation this year. I am disappointed in the OSU/Florida National Title game... who honestly cares? Michigan was screwed! How many times in the pros does a team beat someone two times in the regular season, but loses in the playoffs when it matters most? Also the element of a neutral field should be exciting for two teams such as Ohio State and Michigan. Anyways. Yesterday I watched the pathetic Viking/Bears game. I thought I was watching a high school game it was so bad.

I also practiced a little bit since rehearsals for our Christmas Concert in La Crosse begin this week. This is the one concert of the year where I am vocal about being a musical prostitute. I don't enjoy playing the holiday music (bass parts suck on 99% of holiday music) but I do show up in order to receive my pay check. In other words, there's no enjoyment out of it - just do the duty and collect the money. It's vastly different than the upcoming performance in Ames this Sunday! That's a lot of fun and I look forward to our 2 times a year gathering to make music!

3 weeks of Christmas shopping remain!

Song of the Day - Snoop was arrested again last week after a performance on the Tonight Show. What does everyone have against Snoop? So the man likes to light up (or other things but we'll stick with that).... does that make him a bad person? Consider this my announcement of entering the "Free Snoop" campaign!

Video of the Day - In the holiday spirit, I watched The Family Stone which has lots of famous people..... Ok, so I watched it to see Rachel McAdams who is just as hot in this movie as every other movie she's in. It's pretty sappy but some of you may enjoy it. Typical family though at Christmas where the "TV Family" imagery of carol singing and warm baked cookies are replaced with "Real World Family" yelling and fast food!

Webpage of the Day - This weekend of course also allowed me to catch up on my web reading. I found this video of a very experienced person using Paint (the pathetic Windows program that all of us laugh at after having used Photoshop) to draw quite the amazing picture of a car. The NIN music is pretty sweet as well! Dude has SKILLZ!!

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