Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Getting Colder Yet:(

Life is all about making due with the situation you're given. Right? What's the expression.... Life gives you limes, you make a margarita? Or is it life gives you oranges, you make a screwdriver (tall - double shot)? That's what I'm all about... being the optimist and making the best in a bad situation. Like today - It is incredibly freakin' cold outside!! But since the air is thinner, I get much better reception of the radio stations out of the cities! So I was able to enjoy the cool music (no pun intended) of 93.x!! Just wish I could catch that station every day.

Speaking of bad situation, yesterday I finally gave in and bought new tires for the mighty Trail Blazer. After 78,500 miles on the original tires, I realized that I was no longer safe in the snow of Minnesota. It's not too bad when I'm in town, but now with rehearsals and driving between La Crosse over the next 2 weeks, I figured I better change. The new tires are very nice and the ride is very smooth! I used some recommendations from friends and went to Sam's Club for my tires and I was very pleased. Their installation is $9 per tire and then it's free lifetime balances, rotations, etc. Only down side is that you can't make an appointment so going in there is a chance you'll be there for a while. And there's only so much "wandering" around Wal-Mart and Sam's Club that I can do (as was evident yesterday for an hour). It was too cold to walk anywhere else.

So back to the cold weather, I'm still convinced that Rochester is the coldest place on earth. Not only are the temperatures crappy, but the wind is too strong here and makes for some nasty wind chill temperatures. I remember hearing once that we're one of the windiest cities on the continental US (even more than Chicago!). Alaska takes the cake when you include all 50 states.

My other thought for this morning goes back to my Wii. I have over 30 "Miis" created now (the little people that show up in the games as you play them... they really serve no good purpose other than entertainment). I went through and created all 4 of the members of U2 and I think I did a fairly good job. Santa is in there, as are some other surprises. It's kind of funny to go through the creation and make these characters. Only problem is that I am having trouble finding other people that have their Wiis online and I can connect to. Send me an email if you're interested. The two people I know that have a Wii at home, one still has it in the box, one doesn't have high speed internet....

Song of the Day - They're sneaking in the Holiday music at the RAC this morning. Christmas songs don't make me want to run faster or longer for some reason. So I finally charged up my iPod Shuffle (the original version) and was listening to some good tunage from Evanescence this morning during my run. The last track ("Good Enough) on their new album The Open Door is pretty darn good. It's another one of their haunting ballads that they kind of showed with "My Immortal". The chord progression is pretty amazing and the modulation between major and minor throughout the song allows it to walk the fine line between "hope and despair" that she is going for in her lyrics as well. Pretty good stuff!

Video of the Day - I finally sat down last night and watched the new Superman movie. I was curious how this was going to work with new people as the same characters from previous movies. And the fact that it wasn't a "remake". So I thought that most of it was legit and convinced me that nothing was separate about this movie. I thought Brandon Routh (from Norwalk, IOWA!!!) did a pretty darn good job and Kevin Spacey is kick ass in every movie. I wasn't sure about the method of how he gets out of jail, but whatever. I thought Kate Bosworth (Lois Lane) was very cute, but didn't make a good Lois Lane. The Lois that I remember was dumb and selfish, Kate's Lois was just cute... and not really the best actress. I did not see the "twist" in the plotline coming... wasn't really looking for it but it adds for an interesting element. So overall I was happy with it. Plus KUMAR was in the movie... how cool is that?

Webpage of the Day - I have a large list of these for the week (for once). Today you can play Sober Santa... or not so Sober Santa! I had a 442 but that took a lot of concentration! Good luck, don't kill Santa! Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move Santa around and collect the alcohol. Do not touch the traintracks or get electricuted!


Kahnman said...

Who still has their Wii in the box? I want to buy it from them.

Anonymous said...

I don't care what anyone says. You think it's cold and windy here, go live in the plains of northwest Iowa where there is absolutely nothing to block the cold.

Anonymous said...

how do you play the Santa game?

adickins00 said...

Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move Santa around and collect the alcohol. Don't touch the traintracks or get electricuted!