- With a new football season for Iowa State, I would like for once to feel the thrill of a victory that takes us to the Big 12 Title Game! I have suffered through so many defeats in ridiculous situations where we should have won (remember 1st and goal on the 3 yard line?) but I continue to feel the heart break. I would like nothing more than to see Chizik revitalize the program and take us to a status of Big 12 title game.
- Along with that.... a victory over Iowa next year in Ames. Man I hate them Hawkeyes!
- Prince Tickets in Las Vegas. Backstage pass would be pretty sweet too!
- A Cowbell. You can't ever have too much cowbell right?
- No Harddrive or computer crashes in 2007. Don't remember the last calendar year that I went without a crash. My laptop is all I have left!!!
- Me, I want a Hula-hoop
- Lower Gas Prices... but I know that even you aren't powerful enough to stop the evil Oil Empires.
- No more songs by the Pussy Cat Dolls. Don't care if they are "pretty" in that slutty sort of way.... I think their songs are annoying and much overplayed.
- On that note - how about a new radio station in Rochester? One that lets me play my awesome music for all of Rochester (and Minnesota) to enjoy! Or just one that plays hard rock.
- More White House resignations! We're on a roll right now, keep the momentum going!
- A victory over Iowa in Basketball this Saturday. ISU is 0-2 for in-state rivals right now with one to go... the most important one.
- A College Football Playoff System, or basically the death of the BCS which again proves it doesn't work.
- A date with Britney (CALL ME!)
- At least one person who reads this blog to have caught the reference earlier to Alvin and the Chipmunks.
- New Studio CDs in 2007 from Garbage, U2, Beastie Boys, or Harry Connick, Jr. That'd be pretty sweet! Tours to follow of course;)
- A Vicinity Reunion Tour..... Doesn't everyone in Rochester want this? COME ON GUYS!! DO IT FOR THE FANS!!!
- Snoop Dogg's Freedo.......-mizzle
- An Exit Strategy from Iraq. Or just admission that someone up high in the chain screwed up (note I don't expect everything on this list... but I can have wishfull thinking can't I?)
- No more Christmas CDs from Harry Connick, Jr. Sorry, but these are easily his worst albums and I'd hate to have people think all of his stuff is this bad.
- My iPod to start working again. Or just a new one if you're buying!
- Hurry up and start the new season of American Idol already! Will you be auditioning?
- A new conductor for the La Crosse Symphony (more on that later)
- Phone number of the cute brunette that has been at the RAC on the treadmill the last couple of times I've been there. I'm sure she's asking you for my number, feel free to give it to her!
- I still want a Hula-Hoop
- Peace on Earth! Seriously.... that would be pretty amazing and exciting!
WORD of the Day -this is new for today only.... today's word is incompetent. The definition is "lacking qualification or ability; incapable". Let me use it in a couple of sentences for you:
- Our conductor in La Crosse is incompetent.
- When our conductor raises her baton to conduct a piece, she shows off how incompetent she really is, musically.
- I have to sit for 3 hours at rehearsal and my dominating thought is only one of how incompetent our director is and it shows.
Webpage of the Day - So being a nerd part time working on computers, I do find links like today's WOTD pretty funny. Modified PCs by people with too much time on their hands. Given enough time and energy (and some cash), you could pretty much turn anything into a PC.
This is a comment for yesterday's blog but figured no one would see it since I'm posting it late. Therefore I'm posting it in today's blog. I came across this article in the Rochester PostBulletin under the "You Asked" section where readers write in questions.
Dear Answer Man, a number of years ago the Post-Bulletin published an article about the 10 windiest cities in the United States. If I remember correctly, Aberdeen, S.D., was number one, with Rochester in the sixth spot. Chicago didn't even make the top 10. What is the current ranking, because Rochester sure seems to be windy all the time.
According to the National Climatic Data Center, Dodge City, Kan., had the highest average wind speed in 2005, at 13.9 mph. Next was Amarillo, Texas, at 13.5 mph, and Rochester was third at 13.1 mph. Among bigger cities, New York and Oklahoma City, Okla., shared the top honors at 12.2 mph. Chicago averaged a wimpy 10.3 mph.
Looking at long-term wind data, the prevailing wind direction in Rochester, every month of the year, is from the northwest. April is the windiest month at about 14 mph, with July and August the least windy at 10 mph. April also is when the peak wind gusts are typically logged, averaging about 69 mph.
Of course I knew the Alvin reference!!!! Too Easy.
Maybe Vicinity could do a little jam session, but I don't see a full-blown reunion tour in the near future.
Someday, the Evans family band might tour though.
I think the better question is, who did NOT recognize the Chipmunks reference?
The Hula-Hoop! That was the Alvin and the Chipmunks reference! What do I win?
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